Cleans Better
With a number of rotations and movements, an electric toothbrush can deeply scrub the surface of the tooth. While a manual brush only cleans as much as you make the toothbrush move, an electric moves on its own battery power. With a variety of moments, from spinning to side to side, your tooth will get cleaned from every angle possible.Fun Technology
The technology offers great benefits for a proper clean. Many electric toothbrushes have a timer built in, to ensure your brush your teeth for the recommended two minute duration. Another feature some of the electric models contains is a sensor to ensure you are applying the right amount of pressure for the right clean. A newer model even lets you know when your teeth are thoroughly cleaned.Control your Power
The rotation speed can be adjusted on most electric toothbrush brands, giving you the power when it comes to your teeth. The brush can adapt to sensitive teeth by simply lowering the rotation speed when brushing, on most models.Make it Fun
Whether you are trying to get your child excited about brushing his or her teeth or adding a little more fun for yourself, an electric toothbrush can do just that! Bring that excitement back onto your oral care routine!It's Easy
With the electric toothbrush making the movements, all the operator is required to do is move the brush over the tooth surface. No back and forth and scrubbing is needed with an electric toothbrush. For a better clean with less effort, consider an electric toothbrush today!We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!
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