Thursday, April 25, 2019

Foods & Beverages That Can Stain Your Teeth

Last week we discussed the dangers of over-whitening your teeth and the benefits of letting the experts at our Southern Missouri dentist offices whiten your teeth professionally. This week our Access Dental & Dentures blog is taking a look at the many foods and beverages that can cause the stains on your teeth in the first place. 

Coffee & Tea
Teeth naturally absorb liquids that you put into your body. The darker the beverage, the more likely it is to leave stains behind on your teeth. The effects of coffee can be lightened slightly by adding some milk to it, plus you get a bit of added calcium. The tannins in tea, especially the basic black variety, might even be more likely to stain teeth than coffee. Green and white teas can still stain your teeth, but not as much as the darker types.

Wine & Dark Juices
Red wine is full of tannins that stain teeth also. In this case, you might assume white wine would be a better choice, but in reality, the acid it contains can lead to tooth discoloration. The drink doesn't have to be alcoholic to cause staining. Grape and cranberry juices are also culprits with lots of acid and dark coloring. 

Carbonated Beverages
It's not just the dark coloring of sodas and energy drinks that lead to stains on your teeth. The artificial sugar and acid in them can erode enamel, setting the stage for stains to happen. That means even the lighter colored varieties are damaging to your teeth.

Anything that can cause stains on a tablecloth, the carpet, or your clothing can also stain your teeth. Dark sauces, like tomato, curry, or soy sauce, are very likely to stain your teeth, especially if you eat them often. Balsamic vinegar, while a healthy alternative to many dressings for salads, is another sauce that is dark, acidic, and naturally sticks to your teeth.

Fruits & Berries
Vibrantly colored fruits, like blueberries and blackberries, are leading causes of stains on teeth, much like the dark fruit juices mentioned above. The rich pigments stain and the stickiness of the fruits make them stay on your teeth longer than some other foods. 

Popsicles & Hard Candy
Anything that stains your tongue is staining your teeth too. Popsicles and hard candies are kept inside your mouth longer than many other foods you eat, giving more time for the staining to set in. Also, the sugar these foods contain weaken your teeth, making them more susceptible to discoloration.

Ways To Avoid The Stains
Obviously, the best way to avoid having these foods stain your teeth is to avoid eating them. You don't have to cut them out of your diet entirely, but you may want to cut back on the amount you enjoy.

Some other ways to lessen the chance for lingering stains is to drink water while you are eating these foods to help wash away some of the particles that may get left behind. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water to hold you over until you can brush your teeth. Also using a straw to drink beverages that cause stains can help much of the liquid from having to touch your teeth at all.

The longer you can keep stains away from your teeth, the less you will have to worry about whitening them. When you do need that service, Access Dental & Dentures is here to help. With a little knowledge, a good dental care routine, and regular checkups at one of our dental offices in Missouri, you can keep your smile bright and white for many years to come.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Dangers of Over-Whitening Your Teeth

There are lots of over-the-counter products that promise a whiter smile, but without the guidance of one of our trusted dentists in Southern Missouri, you could end up seeing a few not-so-pleasant side effects. Done incorrectly or too often, you may end up making more oral problems for yourself.

It's much safer to let Access Dental & Dentures take care of the whitening process for you or, at the very least, let us counsel you before trying any new whitening products. Here's a look at some of the possible side effects that could occur with over-whitening, followed by the benefits of letting our professionals help you whiten those teeth instead. 

Effects of Over-Whitening
The most common side effect of teeth whitening is increased tooth sensitivity. If you already have sensitive teeth, gum disease, or teeth with worn enamel, using teeth whitening products can worsen these conditions. Be aware also, if you have had bonding or tooth-colored fillings, whiteners do not affect the color of these materials so they will not match the rest of your newly whitened teeth.

Teeth cannot handle the repeated stripping that happens with whitening. It leaves the enamel worn and teeth are more susceptible to cracking or chipping. In some extreme cases, teeth can even become flexible and bend when pressure is applied!

Benefits of Professional Whitening
Our dental offices in Southern Missouri will provide you with a custom whitening tray, made from your own dental impressions. You can customize the brightness of your smile at home with the whitening agent we supply. This way, our dentists can give you a treatment specifically created for your mouth, plus offer advice and monitor the progress so you don't overdo it.

Some of the many benefits of getting assistance from Access Dental to whiten your teeth include:

  • A Custom Whitening Tray
    As mentioned above, we fit the whitening tray to your teeth for a perfect fit.
  • Complete Coverage
    The customized tray ensures that all of your teeth are covered evenly and completely, keeping each tooth the same shade of white. 
  • Professional Strength
    Our dentists are able to give you a professional strength whitener for faster results than over-the-counter brands. This will help you gain and maintain the shade of white you desire.
  • You Control the Shade
    Treatments are applied by you, at home, as often as you would like to achieve the perfect whiteness, but with the knowledge, advice, and monitoring from our professionals at your checkups. 
  • Convenience 
    You have the convenience of making your teeth whiter on your own time schedule. Also, with our many convenient locations throughout Southern Missouri, it's simple to schedule an appointment to get your customized whitening tray at an office near you. 

Whitening your teeth should be done in moderation and is always best under the supervision and recommendations of your dentist. The knowledgable dental professionals at Access Dental & Dentures are able to guide you to the most effective ways to brighten your smile and keep it that way. After all, our goal is to help you keep that great smile you deserve!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Oral Health Problems You May Encounter As You Get Older

Oral health care for seniors for natural teeth is very similar to the same routine everyone should be incorporating their entire life. As you get older though, new problems are more likely to arise that you did not have to deal with at a younger age.

Sometimes it is simply due to your body getting older, but other factors such as the medication being taken can have a big impact too. Access Dental & Dentures is always here, throughout your lifetime, to make sure your dental health is the best it can be. Here are some oral problems that you may begin noticing in your mid-50s to 60s. If you are aware to be on the lookout for these problems as you get older, you will have a better chance of recognizing symptoms early. Then there is a much better chance for a positive outcome.

Dry Mouth
Saliva keeps your mouth moist and helps to wash away some bacteria between brushing. Aging causes many people to begin producing less saliva. Sometimes it is simply due to the body changes that come with age but most often it is caused by medications that are being taken. There are hundreds of medications that list dry mouth as a side effect. Letting the dentist know a list of medicines that you are taking can help him diagnose what is going on inside your mouth.

Periodontal Disease
Bacteria in plaque can irritate the gums, causing them to be red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. This type of gum disease most often shows up in adults largely due to the fact that the condition is usually painless until it reaches advanced stages, which can take many years to happen.

If it goes unnoticed and untreated for too long, the gums will begin pulling away from the teeth. This leaves pockets where food particles can become trapped and plaque can collect. Eventually, this will affect bone and ligaments that support your teeth and may cause them to fall out. Regular dental checkups can catch this early enough to keep it from happening.

Darkened Teeth
Sometimes this can happen because of changes in the bone-like tissue that lies under tooth enamel, which is simply from getting older. Over time, the enamel on the outside of teeth thins, allowing the darker, yellower layer underneath to show through. Another big contributor to darkening of teeth is a lifetime of enjoying foods and drinks that can stain teeth, like dark berries, tea, and coffee.

Uneven Jawbones
When permanent teeth are lost, if they are not replaced the remaining teeth can begin drifting toward the open space. Our dental offices in Southern Missouri can make removable partials for you on-site in our professional dental lab. Normally your new teeth can be ready the very next day and in some cases, the same day! Since this is all done in-house, we are able to make any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit while you wait. 

Mouth Cancer
People with mouth cancer are most often diagnosed in their early 60s. Keeping watch for symptoms, both on your own and through regular dental checkups your entire life, is very important. Symptoms typically do not cause pain, so other signs need to be watched for. If caught in the early stages, it could save your life. Symptoms can include open sores, white or reddish patches, and changes in the lips, tongue, and lining of the mouth that lasts for more than two weeks.

If you have adopted a good oral hygiene routine your entire life, you are more likely to notice changes arise before they become a big problem that is difficult to take care of. Brush at least twice every day, floss daily, use an antiseptic mouthwash, and visit our trusted dentists in Southern Missouri for regular checkups. Using an electric toothbrush is helpful for a more thorough cleaning and drinking an increased amount of water will help to keep your mouth hydrated. If you have questions at any time as you get older about your oral health, don't hesitate to give the experts at Access Dental & Dentures a call. We're here to keep that smile gorgeous for a lifetime.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Friday, April 5, 2019

Fun Facts About Baby Teeth

Good oral care needs to begin at a very young age. As a matter of fact, teeth begin forming long before they actually break through a baby's gums. Whether you are expecting your first child or are simply interested in the fascinating way that teeth grow, Access Dental & Dentures is your resource for all things dental! Helping you to better understand your family's oral care will make your visits to our dentist offices in Southern Missouri a much more positive experience.

Teeth Begin Forming Before Birth
The first stages of tooth formation begin in a fetus at about 6 months. This is when the basic substance forms, followed by the hard tissue that surrounds the teeth around 3-4 months of gestation. Even though it appears as if your child is born with no teeth, all 20 baby teeth are right there under the gum surface. For some (about 1 out of 3,000 babies) one or more teeth may already have broken through when they are born.

Time to Show Up
For most children, the first teeth begin breaking through the gums around 6 months of age. Most often the two bottom, central teeth emerge first (central incisors.) The next to come in should be the top four front teeth. From there on, the rest will slowly begin appearing, often showing up in pairs. At some point between the ages of 2-3, all 20 baby teeth will have appeared. (10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw.)

Out With The Old
Around the age of 4, you may notice spaces showing up between a child's teeth. This is due to the fact that their jaw and facial bones are growing to allow the necessary space needed for adult teeth. Near the age of 6, baby teeth will begin to fall out so that permanent teeth may emerge. The first to go are usually the central incisors. This will keep happening until around the age of 12 until all 32 grown-up teeth are present.

Baby Teeth Are Important
Even though baby teeth will only be in a child's mouth for a few years, it's important to take good care of them because they play a vital role. You should start a brushing routine as soon as the first tooth shows up. This will help to teach your child healthy brushing habits for the future. Also, decay and infection in baby teeth can affect the permanent teeth growing beneath them.

Without baby teeth, everyday things can be a lot more difficult. It's harder to chew the healthy foods needed for growth. They give the face a normal appearance, making it easier to fit in with peers. Healthy baby teeth also make it easier for children to speak properly. 

Set a positive example by promoting good brushing habits in your children at an early age. Brushing twice a day will just come naturally to them when that has been their routine for as long as they can remember. Also, make sure that regular dental checkups at one of our trusted dentists in Southern Missouri are a natural occurrence for the entire family too. These things together will keep those teeth healthy and strong for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605