Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Many Benefits of Showing Off Your Smile

You gain many amazing benefits to both your mental and physical health simply by smiling. These go way beyond just making you more attractive (although a good smile does automatically make everyone look better.) Access Dental & Dentures has put together a list of impressive reasons that you should always try to wear a great big happy smile on your face. 

First Impressions
You know the old saying, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." When you greet someone with a smile on your face, it makes you appear friendly and approachable. This is a wonderful way to impress someone that you will be working with and an excellent way to meet new friends.

It's Contagious
Give this a try. Put a smile on your face and walk around showing it off, and pretty soon most of the people around you will be smiling too. It truly is contagious, and one of those things that no one minds catching! You can even catch your own smile too. If you are in a bad mood and make yourself smile, many times that simple act will ease the tension in your body, which in turn begins relieving that bad mood and soon that "fake" smile has turned into a real, natural one. 

Added Health Benefits
Smiling is a natural stress-reliever that releases endorphins in your body. This increased relaxation gives your immune system a boost and can even lower your blood pressure. The act of smiling can also cause your body to release serotonin and other natural painkillers.

It's Easier Than Frowning
It physically takes more muscles in your body to frown than it does to smile. The exact number varies from source to source, but in every case we found it was a good difference, always involving fewer muscles to put on a happy face. That paired with all of the wonderful things mentioned above that a good smile can do for you gives you more than enough reasons to put on a happy face!

Win a FREE Smile Upgrade
A smile can be one of your greatest assets. It boosts confidence, helps you to get ahead in life, and allows you to meet more people and make new friends. Some people may be embarrassed to smile because they are not happy with the way their smile looks.

Currently, our Springfield, Missouri dental office is hosting a contest with KTTS in which one lucky person will win a "new smile makeover." This includes dental work valued at up to a maximum of $10,000!

Visit the KTTS website to enter, but time is running out because the contest will be ending on Friday, February 1, 2019, at noon so enter soon. We want to hear why YOU need this "new smile" in your own words. Give us a written explanation convincing us and your local Springfield KTTS listeners why you should be the winner. Submitted stories will be voted on by the public and the top 4 submissions with the most votes will be examined by one of the doctors at Access Dental & Dentures to determine the possibility of a makeover.

You don't have to win a contest to get a great smile. Taking good care of your teeth on a daily basis by eating healthy foods, brushing at least twice a day, and flossing go a long way to make that happen. Scheduling regular checkups at one of our dental clinics in Southern Missouri is a wonderful way to ward off possible problems and fix any that may have started. We believe that everyone deserves a great smile and it's our goal to help as many people as possible have one.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

5 Common Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

Last week's blog featured 5 Common Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth, so today your Southern Missouri dentists decided to highlight the foods that are good for your teeth instead. Working these into your diet will not only improve your dental health, but they all contain nutrients that are good for the rest of your body too. 

Fiber-Rich Produce
The high water content and amounts of fiber in many fruits and vegetables help to balance out the natural sugars they contain. Crunchy foods like apples, carrots, and celery have a detergent effect in the mouth. The hard texture helps to scrape food particles off of the teeth. Fiber-rich produce also gets your saliva flowing, which aids in washing away food particles and harmful acids.  

Dairy Products
Dairy foods such as cheese, milk, and plain yogurt are low in sugar and they contain good amounts of calcium. Calcium has a hand in strengthening not only your teeth but also the bones in your jaw which hold the teeth in place. Cheese is another food that helps your mouth to produce a large amount of saliva too. 

Lean Proteins
Foods like meat, poultry, fish, milk, and eggs contain valuable proteins that your body needs. These are also rich in phosphorus. Calcium needs that phosphorus to maximize its bone-strengthening benefits.  

Green Tea 
Green tea is a good source of polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants. These interact with plaque bacteria and prevent them from growing or producing acids that will attack your teeth. Black teas contain polyphenols, but you must be careful that the darker tea does not lead to stained teeth. 

Last, but certainly not least, the very best thing that you can eat (or rather, drink) is a refreshing glass of water. It will wash away other harmful foods you have eaten. Water also encourages your mouth to make more saliva. It is recommended that people drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.  

Another good dental health tip is to chew sugarless gum. Some people might not consider this food since you only chew it and don't actually swallow it, but it's still worth mentioning. The act of chewing gum increases the flow of your saliva which helps to neutralize and wash away plaque acid from your teeth. That leads to strengthened teeth and a reduction in tooth decay. 

Getting in the habit of reaching for the good foods mentioned above when you're hungry will greatly aid in your pursuit of healthy teeth. You should also make sure to schedule regular dental checkups to give your teeth a deeper clean and catch possible problems before they arise. We have many dental offices in Southern Missouri. To find the office closest to you, simply give us a call at 1-877-DENTIST and we'll point you in the right direction. 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Thursday, January 17, 2019

5 Common Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth

Saturday, January 19 is National Popcorn Day. Popcorn is one of those foods that is extremely hard to resist, but it's also a food that can do damage to your mouth. The kernels can get lodged between teeth and gums and un-popped kernels can crack or even break teeth. 

The damage can be lessened and often prevented with proper oral care. Today Access Dental & Dentures has put together a list of common foods that can be damaging to your teeth. We've followed that with a few tips for counteracting the possibility of that damage. 

Sticky Foods
Candies such as gummies, caramels, and lollipops are the most obvious culprits mainly because of the high sugar content, but the stickiness is a major downside too. Sticky foods take longer to chew so they are in your mouth for an extended period of time. They also cling to the surface of your teeth & the crevices in between making them more likely to cause decay. 

You might be surprised to find out that dried fruits are a part of this category too. When it comes to fruit, fresh versions have less concentrated sugar, so they are a better choice.  

Starchy Foods
Any type of food heavy in starches can be dangerous for your mouth. Saliva breaks down those starches into sugar. Foods such as soft breads and potato chips will get trapped between your teeth and feed the bacteria found in plaque. Less refined varieties of bread, such as whole wheat, contain less added sugars so they are not as easily broken down but will still get stuck inside your mouth as easily as the rest.  

Citrus fruits have many health benefits for the rest of your body, but the high acid content can erode the enamel on your teeth. The acid can also be bothersome to any sores inside your mouth. Drinking water along with citrus fruits can help to wash away some of those acids so they are on your teeth for a shorter period of time.  

Drinking water is great for your teeth. When you chew on its solid form of ice, the enamel on your teeth can be damaged. The same can be said about chewing on any type of hard food item. This makes you more susceptible to dental emergencies like chipped, cracked, or broken teeth and maybe even loosened crowns.  

Saliva prevents food from sticking to teeth and it washes away food particles. Certain types of beverages may quench your thirst, but they actually dry out your mouth and deplete the amount of saliva made. Alcohol carbonated sodas, coffee, and tea are guilty of making this happen. 

As for the carbonated sodas, they also contain acids that attack enamel, not to mention the high amounts of sugar they contain. Dark sodas can also stain your teeth. Drinking through a straw can help by causing the liquids to mostly bypass your teeth.    

Help Prevent the Damage
We seriously doubt that anyone is willing to cut those delicious foods out completely, but there are things that you can do to keep the damage to a minimum. Drink plenty of water daily and rinse your mouth out with water when you eat something you know may be sticking around until you can brush later. Floss your teeth every day and brush at least twice a day. 

Last, but certainly not least, make sure that your visit our Southern Missouri dentists for regular checkups so that possible dental problems can be taken care of before they get out of hand. Access Dental & Dentures has offices throughout Missouri. Simply give us a call at 1-877-DENTIST to find the office closest to you. 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Wide Variety of Services You'll Find at Access Dental & Dentures (Part 2)

All of our dental offices in Southern Missouri care about your smile and we offer a wide variety of services to keep that smile healthy, bright, and beautiful. Last week we featured 7 services you'll find at Access Dental & Dentures beyond routine checkups. Today we are highlighting 6 more of the most popular services we offer. 

You should have a standard cleaning at least twice a year. If it has been over a year since your last cleaning, possible treatment will include either full mouth debridement or Root Planning and Scaling (requires anesthetic.)

Whether you are an athlete or casual sports participant, you should wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, a bite guard will help reduce symptoms of TMJ. We make custom mouth guards in both soft and hard materials.

The reasons your dentist may suggest restoring your tooth with a crown can vary from case to case. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your teeth. Crowns can be made from different materials which include the full porcelain crown, the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, and the all-metal crown. You and your dentist will decide which type is appropriate, depending upon the strength requirements and esthetic concerns of the tooth involved.

Fitting a crown requires at least two appointments. During your first visit, the tooth is prepared for the crown, an impression or mold is made of the tooth, and a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth. At the subsequent visit, the temporary crown is removed and the final crown is fitted, adjusted, and cemented into place.

The loss of a single tooth can have a major impact on your dental health and personal appearance. Your teeth support and rely on each other. When one or more teeth are missing, the remaining teeth can shift out of their normal position. Teeth adjacent to the space or from the opposite jaw will often drift or tilt. These teeth are often more susceptible to decay and gum disease because they are more difficult to clean around. All of this shifting and drifting will lead to changes in the bite, which may put stress on the jaws, muscles, and teeth. Ultimately, your ability to chew comfortably and your appearance may be affected.

If tooth loss occurs, your dentist may recommend that a bridge be placed. A bridge consists of a replacement tooth/teeth attached to crowns on each side. The bridge is cemented to the teeth adjacent to the space, effectively replacing the missing tooth and preventing any shifting. The procedures involved in making a bridge are very similar to those for making a crown. Bridges can be made from the same materials as crowns – full porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and all metal. At least two appointments are necessary. At the first visit, your dentist will prepare the teeth next to the missing tooth for crowns. An impression of the prepared teeth will be made and a temporary bridge will be placed. At the subsequent visit, we will fit and adjust the bridge and then cement it in place
Endodontic treatment (root canal) treats the inside of the tooth. Endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth. In addition, trauma to a tooth may cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.

The modern root canal treatment is very similar to having a routine filling and usually can be completed in one or two appointments, depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal circumstances. You can expect a comfortable experience during and after your appointment. 
A root canal treatment helps you maintain your natural smile, continue eating the foods you love and limits the need for ongoing dental work. With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last as long as other natural teeth and often for a lifetime.

We have snoring appliances available to assist you with aspects of this problem.

If you don't happen to see what you are looking for within the services featured in these blogs, please don't hesitate to call and ask us about the oral care help you need. There is an excellent chance that we will be able to assist you. Simply call Access Dental & Dentures at 1-877-DENTIST and we will put you in touch with a dentist in Missouri that is closest to you. 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Wide Variety of Services You'll Find at Access Dental & Dentures (Part 1)

Access Dental & Dentures offers a wide variety of dental services in Southern Missouri to enhance and protect the oral care of you and your family. Our offices are a welcoming place where people of all ages can feel comfortable and secure in the fact that they are being well taken care of.

Today's blog covers the first half of some of the main services we offer beyond routine checkups and next week's blog will feature even more. If you don't happen to see what you are looking for on these lists, please don't hesitate to call and ask us about the oral care help you need. There is an excellent chance that we will be able to assist you.

We love kids! We can make your child’s first dental experience a positive one. Pleasant visits to the dentist’s office promote the establishment of trust and confidence in your child that will last a lifetime. Our goal is to establish good dental care habits, help all children feel good about visiting the dentist, and to teach them how to care for their teeth.

For missing teeth, we can make dentures or removable partials for you right in our own on-site, professional dental lab. Since our technicians are on-site, you will not have to wait days or weeks for your new set of dentures or new partial. Normally, your new teeth will be ready the very next day and in some cases, the same day. We can then make any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit while you wait.

We will provide you with a custom whitening tray made from your own dental impressions. Once at home, you can choose how often and long to use the supplied whitening agent to customize the brightness of your smile.

Porcelain veneers are dental prosthetics that are placed on the surface of discolored, chipped, cracked, or misaligned teeth and are probably the most esthetic means of creating a more pleasing smile. They require a minimal amount of tooth reduction (approximately .5 mm) and are, therefore, a more conservative restoration than a crown. Though veneers are simple to place and delicate in appearance, the role a thin ceramic shell can have in producing a beautiful smile is quite remarkable. Dental veneers allow us to alter tooth position, shape, size, and color. They are not the only alternative for all esthetic abnormalities but are truly a remarkable restoration when they are the treatment of choice.

Dental Implants are basically sophisticated screws made of a medically pure metal, Titanium. These screws are then placed in the jaw bone and rest under the gum for 3 – 6 months. During this time they actually fuse to the jawbone and become osseo (bone) integrated. After the appropriate healing time, we uncover the implants and use them to replace one or more missing teeth by fabricating some sort of dental prosthesis.

In cases in which decay or an abscess (infection) is so severe that a root canal or other treatment cannot save the tooth, your dentist may recommend that the tooth be removed. A tooth extraction should be done as soon as possible to avoid the spread of infection to other areas of your mouth or other more serious problems. We can extract a single tooth, full mouth, and most wisdom teeth.

We use composite (tooth-colored) fillings that are light cured to match your teeth. They are a mixture of glass or quartz filler in a resin medium. They are sometimes referred to as composites or filled resins. Composite fillings provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small-to-mid size restorations that need to withstand moderate chewing pressure. Less tooth structure is removed when the dentist prepares the tooth, and this may result in a smaller filling than that of an amalgam. Direct dental composites can be used for filling cavity preparations, filling gaps between teeth using a shell-like veneer, minor reshaping of teeth, and partial crowns on single teeth.

The services covered today are only a few of the many offered at Access Dental & Dentures offices across Missouri. Next week we will feature more of our most requested services. You don't have to wait until then to find out if we can help you. Go ahead and give us a call at 1-877-DENTIST today to find the dentist in Southern Missouri that is closest to you. That office will be happy to answer all of your questions and let you know exactly what our skilled dental team can do for you. 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605