Thursday, July 29, 2021

Does Vaping Harm Teeth & Gums? 🤔

Vaping has become incredibly popular over the past few years. Many smokers have turned to vaping because they think it's a safe and healthy alternative to cigarettes. While vapes don't produce the tar we're used to getting warned about with cigarettes, they still contain incredibly harmful chemicals in droplets small enough to reach deeper into the lungs. Aside from all that, have you ever wondered if it's at least better for your teeth and oral health? Access Dental has the answers in today's blog! Keep reading to learn all about how vaping can affect your oral health.

It's NOT Steam

Because it's called vaping and it looks similar to steam, a lot of people think that vape is just like water. That couldn't be further from the truth. What you're actually inhaling is an aerosol byproduct created by electronically heating chemicals in the vape pod. According to one doctor, it would be equivalent to spraying hairspray into your mouth. "You hear 'vapor' and you think steam facials or a tea kettle. It's not a vapor. It's an aerosol, like hairspray or what you use to kill ants and cockroaches." (Dr. Kumar in an article on It's just flavored to taste good. These dangerous chemicals can cause damage to your teeth and gums, putting your mouth at risk for infection and disease. 

Nicotine Restricts Blood Flow

Whether you are using cigarettes, vapes, or other tobacco products, the presence of nicotine can be a big problem for your oral health. It restricts blood flow to your gums, which makes it easier for diseases to invade your mouth. 

Increased Infection

Studies are starting to show that the number of people with oral infections with are almost doubled in people who vape as opposed to those who don't use tobacco products (source: iScience). This is likely because the nicotine and other chemicals in vape (like propylene glycol, benzene, formaldehyde) are traumatizing the tissue in your mouth over and over again until it can no longer repair itself. That gives bacteria free reign to grow and spread in your mouth, causing a whole host of issues. 


Periodontitis is a very scary disease. When you have it, you start losing actual bone that anchors your teeth to your jaw. What is even more scary is that the microbiome (the makeup of good bacteria) in the mouths of people who vape looks very similar to the microbiome of people that have periodontitis (source: Science Advances). That means that their inflammatory response is incredibly elevated and there are little to no good bacteria functioning in their mouths anymore. Once again, that gives bad bacteria, viruses, and other infections the freedom to grow and cause cavities, gum disease, periodontitis, and even oral cancer down the road. Periodontitis is normally a diseases that is only seen in adults, but because of vaping, it is appearing in more and more young patients.

Oral Health Means Better Overall Health

We've talked several times about how oral health can seriously influence your overall health. Infections in your gum line can enter the bloodstream and cause a more widespread infection. There are even studies that show bad oral health can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke. So, while you may think that your dentist can just fix your teeth when you get a cavity, you could actually be endangering your whole body when you ignore dental health. Access Dental and Dentures is here for you to help you take the right steps toward a healthier mouth, and a healthier life. We have the best dental clinics in southern Missouri, with several convenient locations near you. Call today to schedule an appointment! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, July 23, 2021

How a Simple Smile Can Improve Well-Being

Have you smiled yet today? Smiling can actually be great for your health and overall well-being! Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in southern Missouri and we are here to help you learn about the power of your smile. Keep reading to learn all about it!

Smiling Uses Less Muscles

You may not always feel like smiling when you're having a bad day, but smiling actually takes less muscular effort than a frown does. Smiling is easier on your face, allowing more muscles to rest instead of straining in a frown. Smiling instead of frowning can help keep your face looking younger with fewer frown lines. 

Smiling Can Boost Health

One of the great reasons to smile intentionally is that it can actually help your health. In fact, the physical act of smiling can help banish feelings of stress by releasing endorphins in your body. When you smile, your brain associates the act with being happy and can sometimes be tricked into thinking you ARE actually happier when you smile. Smiling has even been studied to release serotonin, which is a natural painkiller. If you have noticed that your day isn't going well or that you can't shake the fog of a bad mood, try smiling for a minute or two and see what happens!

Smiling Makes a Good Impression

When you first meet someone - whether it is a new friend, a potential employer, or a customer - you want to make a good first impression. First impressions can last for a long time and are usually formed within the first few seconds of meeting someone. A great smile can help make you seem more approachable, friendly, and open. Keep your smile healthy with regular dentist visits to Access Dental, and let your smile work for you instead of against you!

Visit the Dentist for a Better Smile!

Smiling boosts confidence, releases happiness and painkilling chemicals, and can help us make stronger human connections. But, if you don't feel confident in your smile, it can be hard to smile as often as you want to. Whether you don't like your smile because of missing teeth, cracks & chips, or stains & yellowing... Access Dental and Dentures is here to help! Give us a call to schedule your next appointment!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Must-Have Teething Solutions for Baby

Access Dental and Dentures loves taking care of people's dental needs at every age! One of the most important stages of dental health and development is when a baby is teething. Teething can be a frustrating and painful process... For both the baby and the parents! If you are looking for ways to help promote healthy development for your baby's teeth, look no further. As the best dental clinic in southern Missouri, we have the answers to help! 


Gum Massage

When your baby is experiencing a lot of pain from teeth trying to break through their gums, very gentle massage of their gums can help. Thoroughly clean your hands, then use your finger to rub their gums in a circular motion. The pressure counteracts the outward pressure from their teeth and can help alleviate pain. 

Foot Massage

Surprisingly enough, there may be pressure points in the feet that connect to the jaw and teeth. Gently massaging your baby's feet, especially their toes, could help their gums feel better. Even if there isn't a direct connection between your baby's feet and teeth, there are huge relaxation and soothing benefits that come from foot massage.

Use Cold 

When a baby's gums are in pain from teeth trying to break through, applying something cold can help numb the pain and sooth the inflammation. 


Run a clean washcloth in cold water, wring out the excess water, and apply the washcloth to the baby's teeth. You can give them the cold washcloth to chew on or use it to try massaging their teeth as well. Just make sure the washcloth doesn't present a choking hazard. 

Refrigerated Pacifier & Teething Toys

Chewing on a pacifier or teething toy can have great benefits to your baby when they are teething. Adding the cold element makes it even more soothing for your little one. Try putting them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Note: Don't leave them in the freezer too long. Fully frozen temperatures can be harmful to your baby's soft gums. 

Chilled Fruits

Once your baby has moved from milk to solid foods, you can mash up fruit and chill it for a soothing, tasty treat! Bananas, strawberries, peaches, and pears are great fruits to start with. Note: Any time your baby is trying something for the first time, be sure to monitor them for an allergic reaction. 

Milk Popsicle

If your baby is refusing to nurse or eat because the pain is bothering them so much, then making a milk popsicle could be the perfect solution. Your baby will enjoy the cool sensation and will be more likely to accept the treat. The milk popsicle can continue to give them the nutrients and hydration they need. 

The Last Resort

If your baby is still in an incredible amount of pain, then it may be time for medication. Always ask your pediatrician before given your little one any kind of medicine. Don't use numbing gels designed for teething. Even though they may claim to be safe and effective, they can make it hard for your baby to swallow due to the numbing agent. This could go from bad to worse very quickly. 

Depend on Your Expert Dentist! 

Once your baby's first tooth comes through their gums,  you should schedule an appointment with your local Missouri dentist within six months. At Access Dental and Dentures, we love taking care of kids and making their experience at the dentist feel safe and fun. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment and learn more about pediatric dentistry! 1-877-DENTIST

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Are Bleeding Gums a Sign of Disease?

You've recently decided to follow your dentist's advice to floss regularly and brush your teeth at least twice a day. Suddenly, you notice blood in the sink. You panic. Have you damaged your gums? You've read about gum disease before - do you have it?? Are you about to lose all your teeth?! Access Dental and Dentures has the best dental clinics in southern Missouri, and we are here to help answer those questions and calm your fears. Keep reading to learn all about how to prevent bleeding gums in the first place, and what it could mean if yours start to bleed. 

Stop Before it Starts

If you haven't experienced bleeding gums, that's great! Keep up the good work and make sure these tips are part of your routine so you don't have bleeding gums in the future. 

Brush & Floss

Good oral hygiene is the number one way to prevent bleeding gums. Keeping your teeth clean and free from plaque allows your gums to avoid painful inflammation and swelling that can lead to bleeding. In order to prevent plaque bacteria and tartar buildup, brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and use a mouthwash. Regular dental care also helps your teeth stay used to being brushed and flossed so they don't get too tender and bleed when you do care for them.

No Smoking

Smoking actually makes it harder for your body's immune system to fight off infection. That means that the bacteria and harmful substances in your mouth can do even more harm than they would in a non-smoker. If bacteria continues to grow and plaque keeps building up, your gums will get more and more inflamed. Eventually they may start bleeding at even the slightest touch due to developing gum disease. 

Balance Your Meals

A balanced, healthy diet is good for your overall health. It can even help promote great oral health and prevent gum bleeding. Increase the amount of vitamin C and K in your diet to help improve your immune system and help your blood clot better. Include these vitamins in your diet with natural foods like oranges, sweet potatoes, red peppers, carrots, and dark leafy greens. Limiting the amount of carbs and sugar in your lifestyle is also very helpful in keeping your teeth healthier. These high-sugar foods and drinks feed the plaque bacteria and allow them to grow further and faster. Green tea is also a great addition to your teeth-healthy diet because it contains an antioxidant that helps lower inflammation.

What if it's Serious? 

Any time your mouth is bleeding, there is the potential of a more serious issue. Sometimes it's just because your teeth aren't used to flossing, but sometimes it could be because of a disease developing in your gums or mouth.

The most common concern when considering gum disease is gingivitis. Its symptoms are inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gum line. It causes your gums to appear swollen and red. Because your gums are so tender and inflamed, they easily bleed when subjected to pressure - even pressure as light as a daily tooth brushing. 

If you notice regular bleeding over a longer period of time (7-10 days) during your daily dental hygiene routine, it might be time to talk to your local dentist

If you need help identifying why your gums are bleeding, Access Dental and Dentures is always here to help! We have several convenient locations where you can stop in for a checkup and get the best dental care in Missouri! Give us a call to schedule your next appointment - we can't wait to help you! 1-877-DENTIST

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, July 2, 2021

Your Diet's pH & Your Teeth

The summer is full of fun and tasty treats like fresh fruit, juice, soda, sweets... Delicious, right?! While these might be fun treats that make the summer even more special, they can also cause a lot of acid erosion to your teeth. Aside from the high sugar content in a lot of these, there is also a lot of acidity in them. Acid wears on your teeth and can slow strip the protective enamel layer away. No one wants that! At Access Dental and Dentures, we're all about making sure your teeth are healthy and you feel confident and happy with your smile. Keep reading to learn how to make that happen while protecting your teeth from erosion. 

Signs of Erosion

If you consume a lot of acidic foods and drinks as part of your diet, then you could be on the path to some serious dental issues. Check out these signs and symptoms to see if your enamel may already be experiencing erosion. 

  • Tooth Sensitivity - Hot, cold, and overly sweet items will cause tooth pain.
  • Discoloration - Teeth will become more and more yellow.
  • Rounding - Teeth may start to look rounded as corners wear away.
  • Transparent Teeth - Teeth might start looking somewhat see-through, especially at the edges.
  • Cracks & Cupping - Small cracks and dents may appear on your teeth.


Juice might seem healthy because it comes from fruit, but it can actually be deceiving. Juice from the grocery store is concentrated and high in sugar and acidity. Instead of drinking a glass of apple juice, try eating fresh apple slices to give yourself a boost without the adding calories, sugar, and tooth-destroying acid. 

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit, especially citrus like lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, etc., can have a lot of overall health benefits, but they are also very high in acid. This acid can erode the enamel on your teeth, causing them to be sensitive and more prone to cavities. To get the health benefits of these fruits without causing too much damage to your teeth, try drinking water when you eat them. Drinking water can help to wash away some of the acid so your teeth aren't exposed for as long.

Sweets & Candy

Who doesn't love treating themselves every once in a while? While some treats are okay in moderation, an excessive amount of sweets is very bad for your teeth. Sour candy can be particularly bad because of the high levels of acid used to make that sour taste. Sugar itself is bad enough, but it can also cause more issues by providing food to acid-creating bacteria in your mouth.


Carbonated drinks are notorious bad for your health. Not only are they full or artificial flavors and coloring, they also contain a significant amount of harmful sugars and acid. The acid in soda is incredibly harmful to teeth and makes regular and diet soda equally as bad for your dental health. Instead of ordering soda at the restaurant, try replacing it with water or another less-acidic beverage.

Prevent Acid Erosion

To help protect your teeth from acid erosion, try following some of these great tips: 
  • Drink plenty of water and rinse your mouth after you eat or drink something acidic.
  • Try using a straw so that acidic drinks have less contact with your teeth.
  • Avoid too much sugar so acid-creating bacteria won't thrive in your mouth. 
  • Don't brush your teeth right after eating or drinking something acidic. Scrubbing that acid content into your teeth can make it even worse  
  • Try watering your juice down a little bit. Not only does this help weaken the level of acidity, but it can also help cut calories while still giving you the flavor your crave! 
  • Go to the dentist regularly. Regularly visiting the dentist's office for checkups is important to make sure your teeth aren't eroding. 

Missouri's Best Dentist

Access Dental and Dentures wants to make sure you are happy and healthy with the best dental care in the state of Missouri. If you think that acid erosion has become an issue for your teeth. Try following the tips from today's blog and schedule an appointment at one of our many convenient clinics to get checked out. We're here for you! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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