Friday, November 18, 2022

The Best (& Worst) Thanksgiving Foods for Your Teeth!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! With that, you are probably anticipating on chowing down on some delicious Thanksgiving goodies- and we can't say we blame you! But, we do want to warn you about some of the foods you may snack on that could potentially damage your teeth and gums! 

In this blog we want to go over some of our picks of the best and worst Thanksgiving foods that you may run across, so keep reading to find out our choices! 

Best: Turkey

A Thanksgiving staple is of course, Turkey! Turkey is a fantastic source of Vitamin D, which helps to strengthen the enamel of your teeth! Plus, where turkey doesn't contain any starches or sugars like most other options on our list, you can rest assured knowing that turkey shouldn't lead to any cavities or tooth decay!

Worst: Stuffing and Breads

You hate it. We hate it. But, it is an unfortunate truth that stuffing and breads are not great for your dental health! Starchy and full of sugars- this Thanksgiving treat can lead to some pretty nasty teeth issues down the line, especially if you aren't washing the excess foods left in your teeth with some water after eating. 

Granted, we aren't saying you can't indulge, but be sure to keep up your dental routine and try and stick to water to help clear out any leftover particles that can cause cavities down the line!

Best: Veggies

Vegetables are typically always good for your dental care! Some can provide a good crunch that keeps teeth strong, while others help to increase your saliva production, which helps to rid your mouth of the nasty bacteria that can linger post-eating a delicious meal! 

Some of our top picks for the veggie category this Thanksgiving would be carrots, celery, or tomatoes! (Technically a fruit, but you get our point!) You can't really go wrong with any of these picks!

Access Dental and Dentures wishes you and your family the absolute best Thanksgiving! We hope that our picks will help you to ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong throughout the holidays! But, if you are in need of some Missouri dental care, then we can help! All you need to do is visit our website at and schedule your next appointment! We look forward to seeing you!

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