Friday, April 30, 2021

Can Teeth Change with Age? Find Out!

If you're wondering whether or not teeth change with age, they do! It's not just your imagination that your teeth have shifted or changed in shape and color. Feeling like your mouth is drier than normal? That's probably not your imagination either. Teeth can change quite a bit with age. It may not be anything to be alarmed about, but it's a good idea to keep an eye on the changes you're noticing to make sure your teeth aren't developing new problems that could harm your health. Access Dental and Dentures has the best dental clinics in southern Missouri and we are here to help you keep your teeth healthy and happy! Keep reading to learn more.


Unfortunately, teeth coloring is also common with age. The dentin, which is the core tissue in your teeth, becomes more yellow over time. The outside enamel on teeth then thins with age, causing the coloring of the dentin to show through. Eating and drinking certain things like coffee, wine, sodas, tea, some fruits and vegetables, and tobacco can also yellow teeth. Cutting back on these foods, drinking lots of water, and having a professional whitening can help you maintain a sparkling white smile.

Dry Mouth

As you age, you may find yourself being prescribed more medications to take by your doctor. With some of these medications comes the side effect of dry mouth. Due to the reduced amount of saliva being produced during dry mouth, foods and bacteria can stay in your mouth longer which leads to an increased chance of a cavity. Make sure to let your dentist know about all the medications you take and about any medical changes you've noticed.

Wear & Tear

Despite how careful you are, teeth usually wear down over time. You can help control the amount of wear and tear by watching what you eat. Chewing on ice can create enamel chips or completely break off teeth. While this may be a hard habit to break, if you want to avoid wear, you’ll want to ditch this habit. Teeth can also be worn down by a poor bite or night-time grinding. Dental appliances from Access Dental and Dentures can help prevent this kind of damage.

Gum Disease

Gum disease becomes more common with age also. It becomes an issue when the bacteria in plaque causes the gums to become irritated and swollen. Unfortunately, gum disease is often painless until it reaches a certain stage, so it can go undetected for a while. During advanced stages of gum disease, the gums pull away from the teeth, allowing food and other particles to get caught within these pockets. Gum disease can destroy gums, bones, and the ligaments that hold teeth in place. This can eventually cause tooth loss.

Teeth Shift

Teeth also begin to shift with age. The two front lower teeth are often the first to shift due to the pressure on your teeth that are caused by wear and tear. Teeth shifting causes loss of bone, which causes gums to recede. A lot of stress that comes with aging is taken out on the jaw through grinding and clenching, which can cause wear on the enamel and even chipped teeth. Getting appliances to protect your teeth from clenching and grinding in the night can help prevent teeth shift also.

Check In With Your Dentist

As you notice changes in your teeth, it's a good idea to have your local dentist check your mouth regularly to make sure nothing unhealthy is happening with your teeth. When concerns come up, it's hard to tell whether they are natural changes with age, or something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible before it causes more harm. Give Access Dental and Dentures a call today to learn more about how we can help you keep your teeth healthy and happy! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, April 23, 2021

Things You Didn't Know About Baby Teeth!

You may think that dental care isn't very important for babies. After all, they don't have teeth for a long time. And even when they do, their teeth are brand new, so how much help could they really need? Apparently quite a bit, actually. Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in southern Missouri and we have you and your little one covered with everything you need to know about infant dentistry. Keep reading to learn more! 

When Do Their First Teeth Appear? 

Babies' first teeth start to break through the gums around 6 months old. Usually the first teeth that appear are the bottom, center incisors. Next will usually be the top four front teeth. All 20 baby teeth will typically appear slowly in pairs between the ages of 2 to 3 years old. 

Even though it takes this long for teeth to appear and fully break through a baby's gums, teeth are actually formed in the jaw before babies are even born. At 6 months of gestation, the first stages of tooth formation starts. In fact, in rare situations, babies can actually be born with a few teeth already broken through the surface of their gums! 

When Do They Start Losing Baby Teeth?

When kids turn about four years old, their teeth start to spread out and have gaps between them. This happens so that their adult teeth will have more room and can come in. Once kids are about six years old, they will start losing their baby teeth and their adult teeth will start coming in. Kids continue to lose teeth until they're around twelve years old. By then, all 32 grown-up teeth will be in! 

If They're Going to Fall Out, Why Brush Baby Teeth?

Even though baby teeth will only be around for a few years, it's important to take good care of them. You should start a dental hygiene routine as soon as their very first tooth appears. This will help teach your child healthy brushing habits for the future! Also, decay and infection in baby teeth can affect the permanent teeth growing in beneath them.

Best Dentist in the Springfield Area

Without baby teeth, young kids will have a hard time chewing the food they need to grow, the shape of their jaw and face will be abnormal, and speaking clearly will be harder for them. Help give your little ones the best advantage possible by helping them take great care of their teeth and teaching them the importance of proper dental hygiene. Give our local dental offices a call to set up an appointment for you little one - We love taking care of kids! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Monday, April 12, 2021

Don't Put Up with Bad Breath!

Tired of smelling bad breath inside your mask?! Bad breath can come from more than just eating a strong smelling food like onions or garlic. In fact, bad breath can often signal a more serious underlying dental issue. Access Dental and Dentures can tell you - bad breath might mean you need to see your local dentist as soon as possible! Take a look at the rest of today's blog to learn what might be causing your bad breath and learn how to fix it.

Dry Mouth

Drinking water is not only helpful to your teeth because of the fluoride content, but it can also help flush out bacteria, food pieces, and bad smells. Saliva is also an important factor in keeping your breath fresh and bacteria away. If you are dehydrated, the dryness in your mouth could be allowing bacteria to flourish. Ew!

Stuck Food Particles

Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the most important things you can do to keep your oral health and teeth in good condition. Bad breath could mean you aren't brushing your teeth enough or as well as you should be. If bad breath is a problem for you, it could be a good idea to start brushing every time you eat a meal. This can help remove any food particles and germs that would otherwise grow in your mouth and cause bad breath.

Flossing each day is very important also in order to clean the hard-to-reach spaces in your mouth. Stuck food pieces may not always come out with daily brushing, and many toothbrushes can't even reach the space between your teeth. If food particles sit in between your teeth all day or night, they can start to smell due to bacterial growth and buildup. To reduce the chance of this happening, floss at least once a day! It could even be beneficial to run floss through your teeth after every meal.

Plaque & Bacteria on Your Tongue

Every morning, scrape your tongue to remove any bacteria or other particles that may have accumulated on the surface. This can help decrease the bacteria, fungi, and dead cells that buildup and cause bad breath. Try to scrape the entire surface of your tongue to get the best results. There are several tools that you can use in order to do this. Or, you can even use a small spoon! Just be careful not to scrape your teeth.

Bad Toothbrush or Toothpaste

Your toothbrush may be the problem if you have consistently bad breath. As your toothbrush gets old and worn out, it can start to grow bacteria and become a source of bad odors itself. This is not something you want to be brushing all over your mouth. Gross! Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months. But, keep in mind, if you are a more aggressive brusher or if you buy brands that wear out more quickly, you may want to replace it more often. Check regularly to see if bristles have started thinning, losing color, or bending. That means it's time to replace.

You also want to use a good toothpaste that is actually cleaning your teeth and protecting them from cavities. You may like the look or "flavor" of a particular toothpaste, but it's important to make sure whatever kind you're using has the active ingredient "fluoride" in it. If not, then it may be brushing away stains, but it definitely isn't protecting your teeth from decay. 

Don't suffer with bad breath. Let Access Dental and Dentures help! We can take a look at your teeth and find out if there are any serious issues causing your bad breath - or if it's just a case of an old toothbrush. Make sure you're using a good toothbrush and toothpaste, stay hydrated, clean your whole mouth, and visit your dentist regularly for a happy, healthy, great-smelling smile! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, April 9, 2021

Enjoy a Great Summer with Healthy Teeth!

We may be getting a lot of rain lately in southern Missouri, but as we all know... April Showers Bring May Flowers! Soon warm weather will be here to stay and everyone will be out enjoying the best that spring and summer has to offer. Access Dental and Dentures loves this time of year, but we also know it can be a hard time to remember healthy dental habits and protect your teeth in the way they should be. Today's blog is talking about how to protect your teeth and keep them shining and happy through the warm season. Keep reading to learn more! 

Don't Forget Self Care

In the fall and winter time, it's natural for us to turn to things that make us feel cozy, happy, and well cared for. When the weather is cold and bleak, we know we need to take really good care of ourselves to boost our immune systems and stay in high spirits. In the spring and summer, it can actually be easy to get so wrapped up in spending time outside and enjoying the cheery weather that we forget we still need to take good care of ourselves. 

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily are important habits to keep all summer-long, even if you're tired from a long day boating on the water or spending a lot of time outside. It's also critically important that you drink enough water during the warmer months. Water is always important and helps flush away food particles and exposure your teeth to additional fluoride. But it's even more important in the summer when the hot weather and extra activity is causing you to sweat. Stay hydrated with at least half your weight in ounces of water every day (i.e. if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water a day). 

Balanced Diet

Summer is an easy time to let your diet go. After all, who can constantly say no to friendly barbecues with lots of chips and dip, popsicles, ice cream, a refreshing lemonade, cold beer, and more? There's nothing wrong with enjoying these kinds of foods and beverages in moderation. However, make sure you are still getting all the vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients that your body needs on a daily basis! If you do like to indulge once in awhile, make sure to rinse your mouth out with water afterward, or brush your teeth if you can. This will prevent the additional sugars from sticking to your teeth for too long and promoting bacterial growth. 

Protect Your Teeth AND Have Fun

Taking a few important safety precautions doesn't mean you can't have any fun. There are just a few simple steps you can take to protect your teeth during this summer's fun activities...
  • Wear a helmet... when biking, skate boarding, or roller blading. 

  • Use a mouthpiece... when playing full contact sports like football.

  • Know where you dive... diving in the shallow end of a pool or in an unknown area of a river or lake could spell disaster for your teeth (and more!) if you hit the bottom or a rock.

  • Eliminate tripping hazards... in your lawn, on your dock, around the pool - wherever you spend a lot of time, make sure there aren't any tripping hazards that could cause someone to fall and break a tooth.

Schedule a Dentist Appointment!

Spring and summer are such fun seasons! Make sure you can enjoy them to the fullest by checking in with the best local dentist - Access Dental and Dentures. We can take a look at your teeth and take care of any issues you're having so you can enjoy the summer worry-free! Give us a call to schedule your next appointment: 1-877-DENTIST.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, April 2, 2021

Get a Bright Smile for Summer!

Spring is here and summer is right on its heels! If you've been working hard for a a stronger, healthier, more confident body to show off this summer, make sure you don't leave out your smile! Having a bright, white smile with strong teeth and healthy gums can make those summer vacation photos pop even more. If you're looking for a way to improve your smile this season, then today's blog from our team at Access Dental and Dentures is for you. Keep reading to learn how you can create, and protect, the smile of your dreams!

Staining Foods & Drinks

There are some foods and beverages that have a naturally higher ability to stain teeth. If it's going to stain the carpet when you spill, it will probably also stain your teeth. Red wine, coffee, some teas, dark fruit, soda, candy, and others can all cause discoloration on your teeth. As your teeth are exposed to these over and over again, they become more dull and yellow over time. That's why it's best to either avoid these foods and drinks or to be sure and rinse them off of your teeth with plenty of water. It can also be a good idea to brush your teeth after eating or drinking them. But be careful! If you brush your teeth right after consuming something acidic, you could be harming your teeth even more. Instead, rinse with water and brush your teeth 30 minutes to an hour later. 

Good Dental Habits

You can't really expect to have healthy, white teeth if you don't properly take care of them. That's one of the reasons it is so important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, drink plenty of water, and visit the dentist for your regular checkups. If you aren't following these key health habits, then your teeth could suffer. Food particles may sit on your teeth for too long causing bacteria to grow, plaque to build up, and tartar to form. This is all very damaging to the structure of your teeth and can cause decay and even infection. 

Teeth Whitening

Sometimes you do your best to avoid food & beverages that cause stains and do everything necessary to keep you teeth healthy, but you still end up with dull or yellowed teeth. At Access Dental and Dentures, we understand how frustrating and embarrassing this can be. A professional whitening could be the perfect solution for you! We provide custom trays that you take home with you to use until you reach your ideal shade of white. That way you get to control the whiteness while being able to safely use professional-grade whitener. Give us a call to learn all about it! 1-877-DENTIST

Best Dentist in Southern Missouri

Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in the Springfield area. We also have the best dentist offices in Rolla, Osage Beach, and Mountain Grove. If you are looking to improve your smile for the summer, give us a call and we can help! Schedule a regular checkup with us or ask for a consultation about getting your teeth professionally whitened. We are here for you! 

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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