Fruit has a mostly great reputation in the health community. But some groups think that fruit can have negative effects on your health. So... Which is true? Is fruit good or bad for your overall health? Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in Missouri and we are here to help answer that question for you! Keep reading to learn the positive and negative effects that fruit can have.
Sugars & Carbs
Fruit contains natural sugars and contain carbohydrates. Many refined carbohydrates transition into sugars as well, so there can be quite a bit of sugar in most fruits. Some people on low-carb diets (such as Atkins and Keto) will avoid fruit almost entirely because of their carb content. However, when compared with packaged overly-processed foods, fruit is the significantly healthier option overall. Just keep in mind that the sugar content could be feeding bacteria between your teeth, which will wear away at your enamel. Be sure to brush your teeth regularly so the fruit has less contact time with your teeth.
Vitamins & Minerals
Fruits have several vitamins and minerals that help keep your body healthy. One of the most notable vitamins found in several fruits is Vitamin C. This vitamin is infamous for helping stave off the common cold and giving your immune system a boost. Vitamin C is considered an antioxidant and helps with inflammation and the healing process from injuries or damage. Fruits that contain Vitamin C include oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, tomato, cantaloupe, strawberries, and more!
Acid Content
Fresh fruit, especially citrus like lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, etc., are high in acid. This acid can erode the enamel on your teeth, causing them to be sensitive and more prone to cavities. To get the health benefits of fruit without causing too much damage to your teeth, try drinking water when you eat them. Drinking water can help to wash away some of the acid so your teeth aren't exposed for as long. If you're drinking fruit juice, try using a straw to reduce the amount of time it's touching your teeth.
High Fiber & Low Caloric Density
Another great health benefit of fruits is their high fiber content and relatively low caloric density. The fruits that contain a lot of fiber can help keep you feeling full for longer amount of time. This helps prevent you from craving junk food and over-snacking. Fruit also contains a high volume of water which means the calories are spread out across more volume. (Example: 10 grapes will keep you fuller than 10 raisins.)
Dental Health & Diet
One of the ways you can help keep your teeth in top condition is by following a balanced diet. Enjoy the benefit of the increased vitamins, minerals, and fiber by including more fruit in your diet. Just make sure to keep up your regular dental habits and rinse your mouth out after eating to prevent too much sugar and acid being in contact with your teeth. Also be sure to set up regular dentist appointments to checkup on your teeth and keep them clean and healthy. Call Access Dental and Dentures to learn more and schedule an appointment!
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