Friday, November 29, 2019

The Truth About Gummy Vitamins

Taking vitamins every day is a habit that has been encouraged by health communities for many years. While we aren't debating the merit of taking vitamins, we do think it is important to consider what kind of vitamins you take each day and whether or not they are doing more harm than good. As the best dentists in the Springfield area, Access Dental has the knowledge to help you answer that question! Read on to learn more about vitamin types and what kind could be better for your oral health.

Chewable Children's Vitamins

These vitamins have a fun flair with cartoon character shapes, bright colors, and fruity flavors. These attributes can all be very helpful when trying to entice a young child to take their vitamins. However, children can also have difficulty in efficiently and thoroughly brushing their teeth every day. They are just grown up enough to refuse your help when it comes to brushing teeth, but not quite old enough to handle swallowing large vitamin pills. That means the particles and debris from the vitamins remains stuck between their teeth for long amounts of time. This can cause irritation to their gums or allow bacteria to grow between their teeth from the added sugar in the vitamins.

If you are determined to add supplemental vitamins to your child's diet, or if a doctor has recommended it, then there are ways to help prevent harm to their oral health. When they take their vitamins, give them a glass of water also. Teach them to swish water around in their mouth to free up the vitamin particles and flush them away.

Gummy Vitamins

Who doesn't love feeling like their eating candy while making healthy choices? Even though vitamins can help when someone has a deficiency of some kind, the composition of gummy vitamins in particular can be problematic. Gummy vitamins tend to have a lot of added sugar or sugar alcohols, artificial coloring, gelatin, and corn starch.

None of those ingredients are things that health-conscious people want in their daily diet. And while a vitamin-sized amount may not majorly affect the waistline, it could seriously affect your oral health. The additional sugar combined with the sticky nature of a gummy vitamin can cause problems for your teeth. Particles from the vitamin could easily become wedged between your teeth and cause gum irritation, bacterial growth, and more.

Traditional Vitamins

The traditional vitamins that most people are familiar with can be a great way to supplement the vitamins you receive from your diet. Because they do not sit in your mouth for long periods or get stuck between your teeth, they are the optimal form of vitamin for oral health.

Another great way to get vitamins is by maintaining a healthy, balanced diet full of fruits and veggies that naturally deliver the vitamins and minerals you need. Always consult with your physician before making changes in your dietary and supplement habits.

Your Oral Health

Taking a vitamin every day shows that you are serious about living a healthier lifestyle and that you care about what you put into your body on a daily basis. Taking it just one step further and making sure the vitamins you are taking are good for your total health overall (including your teeth!) is important. For more information on oral health and how you can improve yours, contact the best dentists in the Springfield area - Access Dental and Dentures!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 22, 2019

Why Do Gums Bleed?

Are you noticing red in the sink when you brush your teeth? Before you panic, know that there are several reasons this could be happening and a lot of them can be remedied with proper care, diet, and lifestyle. As the best dentists in the Springfield area, Access Dental and Dentures has the information you need to see if your bleeding gums are more than meets the eye. For a professional diagnosis, schedule an appointment at one of our many offices near you!



Gingivitis is a gum disease that is quite common. Its symptoms are inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gumline. It causes your gums to appear swollen and red. Because your gums are so tender and inflamed, they easily bleed when subjected to pressure - even pressure as light as a daily tooth brushing.

Aggressive Brushing

If you have a hard-bristled brush or use too much force when brushing your teeth, that could be the cause of your bleeding gums. Take good care of your gums by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and taking care to not wear down your gum line with forceful brushing. Using an electric toothbrush may help this effort since it takes care of a lot of the brushing work for you!

New Flossing Habit

If you recently started flossing after not regularly practicing the habit for some time, it could cause your gums to bleed. If your gums are tender and sensitive, then the force of flossing could aggravate them slightly until they have had time to get more used to the process.

Preventive Tips!

Oral hygiene

Help prevent bleeding gums by practicing good oral hygiene. Keeping your teeth clean and free from plaque allows your gums to avoid painful inflammation and swelling that can lead to bleeding. Help prevent plaque bacteria and tartar buildup by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and using a mouthwash.

Stop smoking

Smoking reduces your body’s ability to mount an immune response to fight off viruses and bacteria. This can mean that the plaque bacteria on your teeth will continue to grow more rapidly than it would in a non-smoker.

Healthy Diet

A balanced, healthy diet is good for your overall health. It can even help promote great oral health and prevent gum bleeding. Increase the amount of vitamin C and K in your diet to help improve your immune system and help your blood clot better. Include these vitamins in your diet with natural foods like oranges, sweet potatoes, red peppers, carrots, and dark leafy greens. Limiting the amount of carbs and sugar in your lifestyle is also very helpful in keeping your teeth healthier. These high-sugar substances feed the plaque bacteria and allow it to grow further and faster. Green tea is also a great addition to your teeth-healthy diet as it contains an antioxidant that helps lower your inflammatory response.

When to Contact Your Dentist

If you have noticed blood in the sink and none of the helpful habits above have helped, it may be time to see your dentist. If it has been 7-10 days, it could be beneficial to have a professional, deep dental cleaning of the plaque and tartar buildup that has been occurring over time. Call Access Dental to schedule yours!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Thursday, November 14, 2019

What the Holidays Could Do to Your Teeth!

Seeing family after a long time apart, sharing delicious meals together, exchanging sentimental gifts... The holidays are a time of joy. You may not even realize what the holidays are doing to your teeth until the damage has already been done. From over-indulging and making less healthy selections to relaxing on important health habits, the holidays can wreak havoc on your oral health. As the best dentists in the Springfield area, Access Dental and Dentures has the tips to help you keep your teeth strong this holiday season. Read on to learn more!

Portion Control

During the holidays, it can be hard to manage your impulse control. After all, how often do you have a full feast of delicious foods and desserts spread out in front of you? Not only do we tend to eat too much during the holidays, but we also tend to eat too often. As you spend time in the kitchen with your family preparing dishes for dinner, you could fall into a bad habit of snacking all day. It's just s taste test, right? Unfortunately, if you are consuming food constantly all day - especially food high in sugar and fat - it is in contact with your teeth for a longer amount of time and can cause more deterioration to your enamel. Try to avoid snacking throughout the day to keep your teeth feeling fresh - not to mention you'll be able to save your appetite for dinner and be able to enjoy the meal sitting around the table with your loved ones instead of already feeling too full.

Menu Items

In addition to eating too much and too often over the holidays, we tend to make worse choices. Instead of eating a lightly seasoned fish filet with steamed veggies, we indulge in gravy-smothered dishes high in carbs, fat, and sugar. It can be easy to make excuses for the holidays, especially when you think ahead to January and promise yourself that your resolutions will make up for the bad choices now. Unfortunately, the bad food choices you make over the holidays can do more than just add pounds. Bacteria feed on sugar, so the more sweets you consume over the holidays, the more the bacteria in your mouth grow. If you choose to indulge this season, try to limit the amount you consume, and ensure you rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after a particularly sugar-rich meal.

Losing Important Habits

With all of the travel families do over the holidays, it can be difficult to maintain healthy habits. When you wake up in your family home, you want to spend your time interacting with loved ones, not flossing! Keep in mind, though, that this simple habit that takes about 5 minutes can help keep you healthier overall. Not flossing and brushing regularly can cause weak spots in your enamel to progress and turn into cavities. Not to mention, if you floss and brush as prescribed, your smile will be brighter and can look better in those holiday photos that you'll look back on for years to come.

See Your Dentist!

Schedule a check-up and cleaning for right after the holidays to ensure your teeth are well cared for and in good condition moving into the new year. We can help identify any issues that may be present in your oral health and create a treatment plan tailored to you. We are the best dentists in the Springfield area, and we are passionate about your oral health. Give Access Dental a call today!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Create and Keep a Habit for a Healthier Lifestyle!

Creating a healthy habit can seem like a daunting task, especially around the holidays. Nevertheless, your oral health is a priority! As the best dentist in the Springfield area, Access Dental and Dentures cares about you and your health. And we have the tips to help you form the healthy habits you deserve this season. Read on to learn more about how to form and keep a habit.

Timing is Everything

Studies have shown that it takes a full 30 days to form a long-lasting habit. During that first month, it is important to perform the habit every day. If you allow yourself “cheat days”, it can make it significantly more difficult to solidify the habit.

If possible, perform the habit at the same time every day to get your mind in a subconscious routine. After a month of regularly performing your new habit - say, flossing - it should come naturally!

Plan for Success

When creating a new habit, start simple. Considering your oral health, start by forming the daily habit of flossing your teeth. Once that has become a natural part of your routine, you can start eliminating sugary drinks and foods to further protect your dental health.

Help remember the habit by giving yourself reminders. Set up alerts on your phone alarm and calendar, or tape notes for yourself in areas you will regularly see them. Visual reminders can be incredibly helpful in keeping you on track.

Replace bad habits with good ones to reduce the temptation of going back to them. Giving up soda and other sugary drinks? Replace that liquid consumption with water. For extra flavor to help prevent boredom, infuse your water with cucumber or lemon and basil. Trade candy for fresh fruit. Berries make a great substitute for that sour candy craving!

Reward each step of the process by keeping track of your new habit with a bullet journal or sticker chart. It may seem juvenile at first, but the feeling you get from regularly rewarding yourself for accomplishing the day’s goal can be a great motivation and reminder to help keep you going strong.

Forgive Yourself

As you set out to start your new habit this season, remember that no one is perfect. If you stumble and drink a bunch of sugary lemonade, or if the day gets away from you and you forget to floss, it’s not the end of the world. Remind yourself why you’re working toward your new healthy habit and get back to killing it the next day. You can do it!

Your Missouri Dentist

At Access Dental and Dentures, we know that forming a new habit can be difficult and sometimes even seem impossible. But we also believe you can do it, and we will be right here to help you along the way. Contact our office near you to set up an appointment and get started on the journey to a healthier you!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 1, 2019

Fun Dental-Inspired Gifts for the Holiday Season!

The holidays are a great time to show your family you're thinking of them and you care about their health. Many people may not think to get a dental-inspired present, but it could be just the thing for your friend, family member, or Secret Santa recipient this year. Access Dental and Dentures cares about the health of you and your friends and family. Read on for a few of our ideas on some fun dental-inspired gifts this season!

Electric Toothbrush

An electric toothbrush could be the perfect gift this season! Electric brushes help take some of the work out of brushing your teeth. While it's not a labor-intensive activity, the automatic brushing from the electric toothbrush helps keep your teeth clean by ensuring your teeth are getting enough cleaning action. Some electric toothbrushes even have timers letting you know when to switch sides.

A great, affordable electric toothbrush on the market right now is Quip. Quip is not just an electric toothbrush, it is also a subscription service that can help keep your teeth cleaner than a standard disposable brush. The service starts with a Quip brush and brush holder and sends replacement heads in the mail so you never have to think about when to buy a new toothbrush. What a great idea!

Toothbrush Sanitizer

To help keep your gift recipient's toothbrush clean and free from bacteria, you could buy them a toothbrush sanitizer. These handy tools use ultra-violet light to kill bacteria that could otherwise grow in the bristles of the toothbrush. You can find these devices in large models you keep in your home bathroom or in small portable models that are battery-powered.

Dog Flossing Toys

If your Secret Santa is a pet owner, a dog flossing toy could be a great gift! Dogs need dental care to stay healthy, just like we do. If plaque and tartar build up too much on their teeth, it can cause gum disease and possibly a life-threatening, system-wide infection. Realizing this problem, several inventors came up with creative toys to help keep dogs' teeth clean.

These toys are designed with rubber bristles that gently clean dogs' teeth while they simply enjoy playing with the toy. Some of them even have places to add dog-safe toothpaste with flavoring that will make your gift recipient's dog love it even more!

Re-Usable Straws

While this may not seem related to dental care at first glance, using a straw when drinking certain beverages can help protect your teeth from exposure to damaging chemicals. Sugary, acidic, or staining drinks won't be in contact with your teeth as much if you use a straw. As an added bonus, re-usable straws are helpful to the environment by eliminating waste from disposable straws!

Dental Care in the Springfield Area

Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in the Springfield Area! We love our patients and love helping keep you healthy and happy. Try some of our favorite dental-inspired gift ideas this year, and let your loved ones know that Access Dental is a great place to take care of your oral health.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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