Friday, November 27, 2020

Don't Forget These Tips Over the Holidays!

The holidays are fun, but they can also tend to be unhealthy. With all of the snacking, feasts, and pies, it can be hard to put your health first this season. Access Dental and Dentures has the best dentists in the Springfield area, and we are here with all the tips you need to keep your teeth healthy over the holidays. Keep reading to learn more, and follow us on all our social media to get important tips and reminders every week! 

Neglecting Healthy Habits

Even if you're not traveling far this year, the holidays tend to disrupt our normal habits. With time off work, scheduling zoom calls, visiting nearby family, buying presents, and other holiday activities... It can be hard to keep up with important dental and hygiene habits. Make your health a priority and set reminders to brush and floss your teeth every day, bring a refillable water bottle  with you to stay hydrated, and carry floss picks and travel mouthwash with you to stay fresh. 


During the holidays, it can be hard to manage your impulse control. After all, how often do you have a full feast of delicious foods and desserts spread out in front of you?! Not only do we tend to eat too much during the holidays, but we also tend to eat too often. As you spend time in the kitchen with your family preparing dishes for dinner, you could fall into a bad habit of snacking all day. It's just a taste test, right? Unfortunately, if you are eating food all day - especially food high in sugar and fat - that means it's in contact with your teeth for a longer amount of time. The longer food is in contact with your teeth, the more opportunity bacteria has to grow and accumulate. Try to avoid snacking throughout the day in order to keep your teeth feeling fresh. If you do choose to snack during the day, be sure to drink plenty of water to flush away food particles.

Food & Drink Selections

In addition to eating too much and too often over the holidays, we tend to make worse choices. Instead of eating a lightly seasoned fish filet with steamed veggies, we indulge in gravy-smothered dishes high in carbs, fat, and sugar. It can be easy to make excuses for the holidays, especially when you think ahead to January and promise yourself that your resolutions will make up for the bad choices now. Unfortunately, the bad food choices you make over the holidays can do more than just add pounds. Bacteria feed on sugar, so the more sweets you consume over the holidays, the more the bacteria in your mouth can grow. If you choose to indulge this season, try to limit the amount of sugar you consume, and make sure to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after a particularly sugar-rich meal.

You should see a dentist every 6 months to make sure your teeth are in good condition and don't have any serious issues. If it's been a while since your last check-up, after the holidays could be the perfect time. Access Dental and Dentures has several convenient locations in southern Missouri, and we would love to help you keep you teeth in top condition year after year. Give us a call to learn more and schedule an appointment!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 20, 2020

Services at Access Dental & Dentures

As the best dentists in southern Missouri, Access Dental and Dentures has all the dental services you need to keep a healthy and happy smile! We have offices throughout southern Missouri, so there is bound to be one conveniently located near you. Keep reading to learn more about our services and how we can help you! 


We use composite (tooth-colored) fillings that are light cured to match your teeth. They are a mixture of glass or quartz filler in a resin medium. Composite fillings have good durability and resistance to fracture in small-to-mid size restorations. Your dentist also has to remove less tooth structure when using composite instead of an amalgam. 


The reasons your dentist may suggest restoring your tooth with a crown can vary from case to case. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your teeth. Crowns can be made from different materials which include a full porcelain crown, a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, and an all-metal crown. You and your dentist will decide which type is appropriate, depending upon the strength requirements and esthetic concerns of the tooth involved.


Endodontic treatment (root canal) treats the inside of the tooth. Endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth. In addition, trauma to a tooth may cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.


We will provide you with a custom whitening tray made from your own dental impressions. Once at home, you can choose how often and long to use the supplied whitening agent to customize the brightness of your smile.


Porcelain veneers are dental prosthetics that are placed on the surface of discolored, chipped, cracked, or misaligned teeth, and they are probably the most aesthetic means of creating a more pleasing smile. They require a minimal amount of tooth reduction (approximately .5 mm) and are, therefore, a more conservative restoration than a crown. 


For missing teeth, we can make dentures or removable partials for you right in our own on-site, professional dental lab. Since our technicians are on-site, you will not have to wait days or weeks for your new set of dentures or new partial. Normally, your new teeth will be ready the very next day and in some cases, the same day. We can then make any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit while you wait.


Dental Implants are basically sophisticated screws made of a medically pure metal - titanium. These screws are then placed in the jaw bone and rest under the gum for 3 – 6 months. During this time they fuse to the jawbone and become osseo (bone) integrated. After the appropriate healing time, we uncover the implants and use them to replace one or more missing teeth by fabricating a dental prosthesis.


If tooth loss occurs, your dentist may recommend that a bridge be placed. A bridge consists of a replacement tooth/teeth attached to crowns on each side. The bridge is cemented to the teeth adjacent to the space, effectively replacing the missing tooth and preventing any shifting. 


As your trusted Missouri dentist, Access Dental and Dentures is here to help you stay healthy and enjoy a more confident smile. If you are in need of dental assistance, or simply looking for a new dentist's office, give us a call. 1-877-DENTIST. We are here for you!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 13, 2020

Smile Improvements from Access Dental!

Your smile is priceless. Not only can it show just how happy and confident you are, but it can also make a great first impression that lasts. If you aren't fully confident in your smile, Access Dental and Dentures can help with that! We are the best dentists in southern Missouri, and we are here to help boost your confidence and improve your health. Keep reading to learn the specific ways we can help you enjoy a healthier, winning smile. 

Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening is a great way to improve your smile. We will provide you a custom whitening tray, made from your own dental impressions, so that you have a custom fit. Once at home, you can choose how often and long to use the supplied whitening agent to customize the brightness of your smile.


Porcelain veneers are dental prosthetics that are placed on the surface of discolored, chipped, cracked, or misaligned teeth. Veneers require a minimal amount of tooth reduction (about .5 mm), which make them a more conservative restoration than a crown. Dental veneers allow us to alter tooth position, shape, size, and color. They are not the only alternative for all aesthetic abnormalities, but they are an excellent way to give you the clean, beautiful smile you've always imagined.

Dentures & Partials

For missing teeth, we can make dentures or removable partials for you in our own on-site, professional dental lab! Since our technicians are on-site, you won't have to wait weeks, or even days, for your new set of dentures or partial. Normally, your new teeth will be ready the very next day or, in some cases, the same day. We can then make any necessary adjustments for a perfect fit while you wait.

Tooth Extractions

If  you have a tooth beyond repair, like extensive decay or an abscess, then it is usually recommended that the tooth be removed. If needed, a tooth extraction should be done as soon as possible to avoid the spread of infection or even more serious problems. We can extract a single tooth, full mouth, and most wisdom teeth.

Routine Cleanings

It's a good idea to have your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist every six months. It also gives your dentist an opportunity to check your teeth for any cavities, soft spots, or issues coming up. Regular cleanings include a deep clean to polish your teeth for a healthy smile. We will also give you tips for better oral care if needed.

Best Missouri Dentist

So, if your smile isn't what it could be, give the experts at Access Dental and Dentures a call! We can help restore or repair your smile so that you can enjoy all the confidence a healthy, happy smile can bring. We can't wait to help you! Call to ask questions or set up an appointment: 1-877-DENTIST.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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Friday, November 6, 2020

Tips on Reducing Sugar This Season

There is a lot of sugary temptation this season. From leftover Halloween candy to hefty cold-weather meals, fall can be a difficult time to eat mindfully and protect your teeth from too much sugar. As the best dentist in southern Missouri, Access Dental and Dentures is here to help you resist temptation and stay healthy during the holidays. Keep reading to learn more! 

Avoid Stress & Triggers

While avoiding stress is sometimes easier said than done, there are other ways to help your body cope other than eating sweets. A few things you can try to help cope with stress are… meditation, yoga, exercise, etc. 

Avoid triggers or tempting situations like grocery shopping while hungry, or attending a party on an empty stomach. If you know you will be attending a party where you will be surrounded by a lot of sweets, eat a meal that is high in protein before leaving and make sure you are well hydrated. Chew on a piece of gum during the party to help prevent absent-minded snacking as well. 

Ditch Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are typically not actually better for you than traditional sugar. While both are bad for your health, artificial sweeteners can cause the signals that control appetite in your brain to get mixed up or ignored. Some sweeteners that are considered “healthy”, like Stevia, actually taste ten times sweeter than the average sweetener. If your taste buds develop an appetite for this sweeter flavor, it is likely that you will crave more of it in higher quantities.

Eat More Fruit

Fruit contains natural sugars that are significantly better for you than table sugar. Eating a handful of berries or an apple could help satisfy your sweet tooth while also providing good vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your diet. 

Prioritize Protein

Protein is a necessary nutrient to our diets, and it also helps you feel full for longer. If you feel full throughout the day, you are less likely to feel like snacking on unhealthy treats and sweets. Protein can help diminish your cravings as well, because your body doesn’t feel like it is in need of more nutrients. 

Drink Plenty of Water

Sometimes the body can get confused and cross its signals. If you are craving something sweet, your body could actually just be dehydrated and in need of water. Drink a large glass of water when you experience unhealthy cravings or hunger outside of mealtime. This could help satiate your body enough to curb cravings so you can say “no” to the office candy dish.

Dental Health for the Holidays

Ditching the sweets over the holidays is very difficult, especially with so much stress that can come with the season. Access Dental and Dentures is the best dentist in the Springfield area, so we can help if your sweet tooth gets your actual teeth in trouble. Give us a call to learn more about how we can help improve your dental health!  

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile! 


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