Friday, August 19, 2022

Whitening Hacks That Can Hurt Your Teeth

It's safe to say that people will do some crazy things when it comes to getting brighter, whiter teeth. Some of the methods people have used can help with whitening one's teeth, but there are various methods that can actually be quite harmful to the integrity of your teeth! We aren't just talking about obscure methods either, but rather popular "remedies" that are used for a quick and cheap way to get whiter teeth. 

At Access Dental, we want to inform you of methods that will help you get whiter teeth without the risk of ruining them. In this week's blog, we are going to go over a few different methods that you may be using to obtain whiter teeth that may actually be causing more damage than good. Keep reading below to find out more!

1. Charcoal Toothpaste

Charcoal toothpaste took over the world by storm as a cheap, yet effective solution to clearing up yellowing teeth. However, what you may not have known is that charcoal toothpaste is incredibly abrasive, which essentially means that the more you use it the more your enamel can be worn away, which can lead to a whole heap of side effects, such as gum irritation and inflammation. 

2. Aggressive Brushing

This may seem like an easy way to remove stains, as the harder you brush the better off your teeth will be...right? Well, no. Scrubbing too hard can really damage your teeth, more specifically your enamel, as getting dental stains out is not just as simple as brush your teeth harder. Being too aggressive can leave you with damaged teeth, sensitivity issues, and much more. 

3. Over-the-Counter Methods

Possibly the most popular method of DIY teeth whitening- over the counter products. From whitening strips to trays, even paint-on whiteners, these products are used by the masses. These products may have the appeal of being a convenient, cost-efficient solution to yellow teeth, but in reality these whitening products can be tough on your enamel and can even cause fluorosis, or white speckles that appear on the surface of your teeth from too much fluoride. 

Although these dental "hacks" may seem like a solid solution in the short-term, it is important to ensure you have all of the details that way you keep your teeth looking nice and shiny, without causing damage. 

We want to be your Missouri family dental practice! Visit our website and schedule your next appointment with Access Dental! 

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