Coffee & Tea
Teeth naturally absorb liquids that you put into your body. The darker the beverage, the more likely it is to leave stains behind on your teeth. The effects of coffee can be lightened slightly by adding some milk to it, plus you get a bit of added calcium. The tannins in tea, especially the basic black variety, might even be more likely to stain teeth than coffee. Green and white teas can still stain your teeth, but not as much as the darker types.
Wine & Dark Juices
Red wine is full of tannins that stain teeth also. In this case, you might assume white wine would be a better choice, but in reality, the acid it contains can lead to tooth discoloration. The drink doesn't have to be alcoholic to cause staining. Grape and cranberry juices are also culprits with lots of acid and dark coloring.
Carbonated Beverages
It's not just the dark coloring of sodas and energy drinks that lead to stains on your teeth. The artificial sugar and acid in them can erode enamel, setting the stage for stains to happen. That means even the lighter colored varieties are damaging to your teeth.
Anything that can cause stains on a tablecloth, the carpet, or your clothing can also stain your teeth. Dark sauces, like tomato, curry, or soy sauce, are very likely to stain your teeth, especially if you eat them often. Balsamic vinegar, while a healthy alternative to many dressings for salads, is another sauce that is dark, acidic, and naturally sticks to your teeth.
Fruits & Berries
Vibrantly colored fruits, like blueberries and blackberries, are leading causes of stains on teeth, much like the dark fruit juices mentioned above. The rich pigments stain and the stickiness of the fruits make them stay on your teeth longer than some other foods.
Popsicles & Hard Candy
Anything that stains your tongue is staining your teeth too. Popsicles and hard candies are kept inside your mouth longer than many other foods you eat, giving more time for the staining to set in. Also, the sugar these foods contain weaken your teeth, making them more susceptible to discoloration.
Ways To Avoid The Stains
Obviously, the best way to avoid having these foods stain your teeth is to avoid eating them. You don't have to cut them out of your diet entirely, but you may want to cut back on the amount you enjoy.
Some other ways to lessen the chance for lingering stains is to drink water while you are eating these foods to help wash away some of the particles that may get left behind. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water to hold you over until you can brush your teeth. Also using a straw to drink beverages that cause stains can help much of the liquid from having to touch your teeth at all.
The longer you can keep stains away from your teeth, the less you will have to worry about whitening them. When you do need that service, Access Dental & Dentures is here to help. With a little knowledge, a good dental care routine, and regular checkups at one of our dental offices in Missouri, you can keep your smile bright and white for many years to come.
We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!
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