First Impressions
You know the old saying, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." When you greet someone with a smile on your face, it makes you appear friendly and approachable. This is a wonderful way to impress someone that you will be working with and an excellent way to meet new friends.
It's Contagious
Give this a try. Put a smile on your face and walk around showing it off, and pretty soon most of the people around you will be smiling too. It truly is contagious, and one of those things that no one minds catching! You can even catch your own smile too. If you are in a bad mood and make yourself smile, many times that simple act will ease the tension in your body, which in turn begins relieving that bad mood and soon that "fake" smile has turned into a real, natural one.
Added Health Benefits
Smiling is a natural stress-reliever that releases endorphins in your body. This increased relaxation gives your immune system a boost and can even lower your blood pressure. The act of smiling can also cause your body to release serotonin and other natural painkillers.
It's Easier Than Frowning
It physically takes more muscles in your body to frown than it does to smile. The exact number varies from source to source, but in every case we found it was a good difference, always involving fewer muscles to put on a happy face. That paired with all of the wonderful things mentioned above that a good smile can do for you gives you more than enough reasons to put on a happy face!
Win a FREE Smile Upgrade
A smile can be one of your greatest assets. It boosts confidence, helps you to get ahead in life, and allows you to meet more people and make new friends. Some people may be embarrassed to smile because they are not happy with the way their smile looks.
Currently, our Springfield, Missouri dental office is hosting a contest with KTTS in which one lucky person will win a "new smile makeover." This includes dental work valued at up to a maximum of $10,000!
Visit the KTTS website to enter, but time is running out because the contest will be ending on Friday, February 1, 2019, at noon so enter soon. We want to hear why YOU need this "new smile" in your own words. Give us a written explanation convincing us and your local Springfield KTTS listeners why you should be the winner. Submitted stories will be voted on by the public and the top 4 submissions with the most votes will be examined by one of the doctors at Access Dental & Dentures to determine the possibility of a makeover.
You don't have to win a contest to get a great smile. Taking good care of your teeth on a daily basis by eating healthy foods, brushing at least twice a day, and flossing go a long way to make that happen. Scheduling regular checkups at one of our dental clinics in Southern Missouri is a wonderful way to ward off possible problems and fix any that may have started. We believe that everyone deserves a great smile and it's our goal to help as many people as possible have one.
We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office Rolla Office Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048 (573) 426-5447 (573) 348-1466
1701 West Sunshine 416 S. Bishop Ave. 4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807 Rolla, MO 65401 Osage Beach, MO. 65065
Mountain Grove Office Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160 (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main 1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711 Aurora, MO 65605