Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Top 7 Dental Care Resolutions for 2019

You only get 1 set of adult teeth and it's vital that you take care of them. As we near the beginning of a new year, it's the perfect time to set some goals. As your experienced dentist in southern Missouri, we know how important it is to focus on your oral health. Take a look below for some dental care resolution ideas.

1. Brush Twice a Day

It is recommended by dentists to brush your teeth at least two times a day. Once first thing in the morning and again before you go to bed. In the morning, brushing can help eliminate any plaque and residue that has built up overnight. Brushing again at the end of the day can help get rid of any food particles and plaque that may be in your mouth from eating during the day.

2. Floss Every Day

At least once a day, you should floss between your teeth. This can help rid your mouth of food and bacteria between the teeth that can be hard to reach with a toothbrush. Another benefit of flossing is that it promotes healthy gums, which is an integral part of the mouth.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

What you put into your mouth, and body for that matter can impact your overall health. A well-balanced diet is recommended to help keep your teeth and entire mouth healthy. Foods that are filled with sugar can build up on the tooth surface and cause damage. Try to reduce the amount of sugar intake in your diet.

4. Clean Tongue

A tongue makes up about thirty percent of the mouth surface area. Cleaning this surface can help reduce the amount of bacteria present in the mouth, and encourage fresh breath.

5. Eliminate Tobacco Use

Smoking or chewing tobacco can damage your gums and negatively impact your oral health. Try to reduce the use of these harmful products, if you do partake.

6. Stop Grinding Teeth

Many people grind their teeth during the day and at night. Grinding can wear down the tooth enamel, leaving it exposed to bacteria and germs. If you grind your teeth while you are awake, make efforts to reduce this bad habit. At night a mouth guard can be worn to protect teeth from grinding against one another.

7. Visit the Dentist

Regular dental check-ups should be scheduled every six months. This can help ensure that your mouth is healthy and any issues can be addressed if needed. A dentist will usually look over your entire mouth for any problems and perform a deep cleaning of the teeth and gums.

Now that you know some tips for better dental care near Springfield, MO, you're ready to start making improvements toward reaching your resolutions. As your southern MO dentist, we know how impactful it can be to take proper care of your teeth. Start experiencing the difference for yourself when you add these dental care resolutions to your list! Make 2019 YOUR year!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

6 Tips to Ease Your Child's Fear of the Dentist

A trip to the dentist can be intimidating for children if they don't know what to expect ahead of time. A little preparation can go a long way for getting your child ready for a visit to the dentist. Our dental offices in Southern Missouri strive to provide a great environment for children and the adults too. If you have a little one that's a bit nervous about their trip to the dentist, these tips will help to make it easier on the both of you. 

Talk About It
Sometimes simply taking the mystery out of the experience is enough to ease anxiety. Talk to your kids in a positive way about what goes on during a dental visit. Share your personal experiences with them to let them know that it doesn't scare you. Don't over-discuss it though. Keep everything simple, matter-of-fact, and to the point. If you don't make a big deal out of it they will be more likely to think of their visit to the dentist as a normal, unscary event.   

Avoid Using Bribery
You want a trip to the dentist to be something your child sees as a normal occurrence for the future health of their teeth, not something they have to be tricked into doing. Praise them for good behavior before and during the visit. Instead of promising a treat for going, you might make it a tradition to do something special after the visit that they can look forward to in the future. Not really a reward, just a fun event that you share together. 

Role Play
Practice for your child's first visit to the dentist by taking turns pretending to be the dentist. This will help them get used to having someone that close to their face and looking around inside their mouth. After you have given them a good idea about what the dentist will be doing, let them have a turn checking out your teeth too. You can also find lots of fun books on the subject to read together that will ease their fears.

Start Dental Care Early
The earlier your child starts visiting the dentist, the better. If Access Dental & Dentures is a place that they are used to at a young age, the more comfortable they will feel when it's their turn to be in the chair. It's best if their first visit starts at age 1 or when the first tooth is visible.

Lead By Example
Letting your child see you go through a routine checkup is a wonderful way to show them how easy it can be. After seeing mom or dad go through the motions, they will have more courage to step up into that chair themselves. If you need to have something a little more invasive done or you have a painful cavity that is being taken care of, try your best not to speak negatively about any of it in front of your child. Those words can cause a fear that will grow quickly in the imagination of a child.

Find the Right Dentist
It's extremely important to find a dentist that you feel comfortable with and that you know is knowledgeable and trustworthy. All of our dentists in Southern Missouri are excellent at working with people of all ages. We will make your child's first dental experience, as well as every visit after that, a positive one. Our goal is to help all children feel good about visiting the dentist and to establish good dental care habits they will take with them throughout life. 

The tips above will go a long way in helping your child feel comfortable and confident about a trip to the dentist. At Access Dental & Dentures, we love kids! Call 877-DENTIST to reach the dentist office in Southern Missouri that is closest to you. You can schedule an appointment for your child that will put them on the road to a life with healthy teeth.

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

7 Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy & Bright Over the Holidays

We are in the midst of the holiday season which means that you are probably being tempted more than usual by deliciously sweet treats everywhere that you go. Access Dental & Dentures wants you to enjoy yourself, but keep in mind the damaging effects that sugar can have on your teeth. Your trusted dentists in Southern Missouri have a few tips below on how you can enjoy those tempting treats but still keep your teeth clean and healthy, as well as a few other good things to keep in mind while you celebrate. 

Regulate Sweet Treats
Sugar causes natural bacteria in your mouth to react. This creates acid inside the mouth, which starts to eat away at the protective covering of the tooth enamel. Do your best to not overdo it at the dessert table. All sugar can be bad, but sticky candy like taffy and gummies are the worst because they will cling to your teeth. Eating healthy foods first will help to fill you up so that you eat less of the sweet stuff, and chewing sugar-free gum will help you to avoid eating when you aren't really hungry.   

Don't Forget to Brush
It's very important to stick to your regular oral care routine on a daily basis. Don't let the hustle and bustle of the holidays get in the way of that. No matter how tired you are at the end of the day, don't go to sleep with a mouthful of food stuck in and on your teeth. It only takes about two minutes twice a day to keep those cavities away! 

Travel With Tools
This time of year when the treats are more tempting than usual and you may be away from home more often, it's wise to carry some dental care items with you. The sample sizes found at grocery stores are perfect for traveling and floss or a mini bottle of mouthwash is easy to carry in a purse or pocket. That way, if you eat something particularly sweet and sticky or you know you'll be staying out extremely late, you won't have to wait until you get home to take care of it.

Only Bite What You Should
It can be very tempting to use your teeth to open tough packaging, but DON'T DO IT! You risk cracking or breaking your teeth when you use them this way which can result in an expensive cosmetic repair job! The same goes for other things that are not edible - no opening corks or bottles with your teeth. They're not made for that!

It's not just the non-food items that you should be cautious of. For instance, nuts are meant to be chewed but their shells are NOT meant to be cracked with your teeth. Hard candy like jawbreakers or peanut brittle can be rough on your teeth, especially if those teeth are already worn down. It's a good idea to avoid chewing ice too because this can also be damaging over time.

Avoid Dark Beverages
It's best to stick to light-colored or clear beverages to avoid staining your teeth. Drinking through a straw that takes the liquid past your teeth can help to lessen the effect, but if you're trying to keep your pearly whites actually white, it's a good idea to skip the red wine or cranberry juice.

Drink Lots of Water
The best clear beverage out there is water. Staying hydrated is good for your entire body, but water is particularly good for your teeth because it can wash away some of the food particles and bacteria for you. Also, drinking water will help to keep you feeling full, meaning you might be more likely to turn down that second helping of holiday cookies!

Schedule a Post-Holiday Checkup
Start the new year off on a healthy note by scheduling a regular checkup at our Springfield, Missouri dental office or one of our other 4 locations in Southern Missouri. Not only will this get your teeth back to their cleanest and shiniest, but any problems that may have been caused by all of those extra temptations over the holidays can be caught early. 

As long as you pay attention to the type of things you are putting in your mouth and do your best to stick to a regular oral care routine, we're sure that you can make it through the holidays without damaging that beautiful smile. Our dental offices in Southern Missouri are here to take care of you when problems with your teeth occur, but stick to the tips we've shared with you in today's blog and you should only have to visit Access Dental & Dentures for regular, healthy checkups!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605

Friday, December 7, 2018

7 Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas to Promote Healthy Teeth

While you are making your holiday shopping list, this is the perfect time to sneak in a few practical gifts along with the fun ones. Your dentists in Southern Missouri have a few tips on how to make some of these useful items a bit more fun in today's blog. That way, you should get a smile with the "thank you" instead of an eye roll! (And these gifts will help to keep that smile beautiful!)
When giving a toothbrush as a gift, go the extra mile to find special designs that are more interesting than your usual, everyday toothbrush. It could be as simple as finding favorite colors, or perhaps a favorite character featured on the handle. (These are generally aimed at children, but we know quite a few adults that would happily brush with a superhero toothbrush!) A nice electric toothbrush is an excellent upgrade too.

Teeth-Cleaning Aids
Pair that brand new toothbrush with other items that work with it to keep teeth clean. Floss can be found in fun flavors. Mini bottles of mouthwash let each person have their very own bottle and fit into a stocking perfectly. Sample tubes of different kinds of toothpaste also let the recipient try out new flavors.

A Cool Timer
You should aim to brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time. A fun timer will encourage this healthy habit. Find a theme that each person enjoys and an online search should help you find a timer that fits that theme nicely.
Sugar-Free Gum
Chewing sugar-free gum causes your mouth to create about ten times the normal amount of saliva. Saliva is the mouth's natural defense against acid and the increased flow helps to wash away food particles. Sugar-free gum that contains xylitol also reduces the growth of certain bacteria that cause cavities. 

Personalized Containers
For any gift recipients on your list that happen to wear dentures, give them a special container to soak those dentures in overnight. It could be pretty, personalized with their name, or something humorous that will make them smile. Special retainer cases can be purchased for people that use those, and for the youngest on your list that is still losing baby teeth, give them a creative container to hold those teeth until the tooth fairy can get to them. 

Reusable Straws
Using a straw to drink soft drinks and other sugary beverages can help to keep some of the liquid away from your teeth if positioned correctly. There are lots of reusable straws on the market now in a variety of colors and styles. Some are even collapsible and come in their own carrying case so that you can keep them in a purse or attach them to your keychain so they are always on hand. 

Let Them Play Dentist
Some of these may be a little too big to fit inside a stocking, but they would be well-received wrapped up under the tree. In addition to encouraging good dental care, you might even inspire a future career in the recipient! There are various toys available that let kids pretend to be a dentist, and adding a lab coat or some fun scrubs to the gift can make it even more fun. You can also find games for mobile devices that let you pretend to be a dentist. Download these in secret and you can let the person know it is waiting on their phone or tablet by writing it on a card placed in their stocking.

When you personalize the items listed above to each person on your list, that makes them a little more fun to receive. Putting the extra thought into every gift that you give is what will make even the practical presents a joy to open. Access Dental & Dentures wishes a happy holiday season for everyone out there. May it be a wonderful celebration that keeps a smile on your face from ear to ear showing off those gorgeous pearly whites!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office             Osage Beach Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447          (573) 348-1466         
1701 West Sunshine        416 S. Bishop Ave.   4320 Osage Beach Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401      Osage Beach, MO. 65065

Mountain Grove Office              Aurora Office
(417) 926-1160                             (417) 308-3534
921-A N. Main                             1402 S. Elliott
Mountain Grove, MO 65711       Aurora, MO 65605