Thursday, June 29, 2017

Protect Your Child's Smile This Summer

With school being out of session and the kids involved in a number of activities this summer, it's important to take extra steps to protect their smiles. Whether you're taking an adventurous vacation, spending time at the local pool, or participating in sports - be sure to think about tooth protection for your kids. Your trusted dentist in southern MO is here for all of your oral care needs - protection included! Provided below, by Access Dental And Dentures, are a few easy ways to ensure your kid's smile is protected.

Guard Against Contact Sports

Playing sports is a right of passage for many youngsters. It's a fun way to stay active and get involved with others in the community. If your child is playing a sport this summer, be sure they wear a mouth guard or some sort of protective feature. Whether it's a face guard on their baseball helmet or a mouthpiece when playing soccer - this is an easy way to help protect teeth from damage.

Abide By Pool Rules

The pool is the place to be in the hot summer months... but it also presents a number of dangers for your child's teeth. Most public pools have designated diving areas and recommend walking along the concrete. Ensure your kids are following the rules of the pool. Diving in a shallow body of water has the potential for severe tooth damage and running along the concrete and tripping may have the same result.

Keep Up With Oral Care

While the summer schedule may get crazy, it's important to keep your kid's oral care habits in check. Make sure they are brushing their teeth twice each day - once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as flossing each day. This can help remove plaque and other particles from building up in the mouth, causing tooth decay and damage. Also encourage your kids to make healthy snack decisions instead of sugary-filled treats.

Seal Over Those Teeth

If you are worried about your child getting cavities, it can be helpful to get their molars sealed. This is a protective layer placed over the top of the teeth, where food and other particles get ground in, helping to prevent decay. It's a great way to combat the potential for damage to your little one's teeth.

Schedule Your Regular Dental Visit

While the summer months are usually jam packed, take this opportunity to schedule a dental visit while the kids are out of school. It's much easier than having them miss out on educational opportunities during the school year. It's recommended for your child to visit the dentist at least once every six months to regulate any changes and perform a professional teeth cleaning.

Are you ready to enjoy summer with your kids now? You're fully prepared to help combat oral injuries, now that you know some of the ways to prevent such incidents from occurring. Our dental office near Springfield MO can help get your kid's teeth ready for all of the fun summer activities that will soon take place. If you need to schedule a dental visit, the best dentist in southern MO is available! Give us a call at 877-DENTIST to schedule an appointment at a location nearest you!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Legend of the Tooth Fairy

Just like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy is an iconic childhood fable. As many of you know, the American Tooth Fairy comes to collect a child's tooth that has fallen out, while they sleep, and usually leaves behind a treasure for the child to find in the morning. While there are many variations of the Tooth Fairy, your trusted dentist in southern MO has gathered some information about this figure from different countries. No matter what traditions your Tooth Fairy practices, it's a great way to get your child excited about oral care.

It's an English tradition that a child must drop their tooth into a fire to help keep themselves demon-free.

In Early European culture, a lost tooth was to be buried in order to spare the child from hardships in the next life.

Centuries ago in Europe, it's tradition for a baby tooth to be buried in the ground. This can help keep a witch from gaining possession of the tooth, allowing her to put a curse on the child. When more people migrated to America, there was a limited amount of dirt in cities. Eventually the ritual transitioned to putting a tooth under the child's pillow.

In Russia, Spain, and many Asian countries, a mouse would creep into a child's room and remove their baby teeth.

The Viking children would trade a tooth in, when later the teeth were strung together to make jewelry. Wearing a child's tooth supposedly brought power and good luck when in battle.

Many of the population believe a "Tooth Mouse" will come collect a child's tooth and leave a treat or prize behind for the child who lost their baby tooth.

In other parts of the world, many mothers would hide a child's tooth from animals. It was believed if an animal found the tooth, an animal tooth would grow in the child's mouth.

All over the world, there are different traditions of what to do with a child's tooth, after it has fallen out. Take a look at a few more ways to dispose of teeth, according to rituals:

-Throw tooth into the sun.
-Burn the tooth in a fire.
-Toss the tooth backwards between the legs.
-Throw it onto the roof of a dwelling.
-Put the tooth inside a tree or wall.

Now that you know about all the different Tooth Fairy traditions around the world, you can share your new-found knowledge with your kids. It can be a fun way to learn about different cultures, as well as promote proper oral care. As your children start to lose teeth, remind them of the importance of taking care of the teeth they have. Remember to brush twice each day, floss once every day, and monitor the sugar intake of your little ones. The best dentist near Springfield, Missouri is here for all of your oral care needs - give us a call at 877-DENTIST to set up and appointment for your kids today!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Oral Care Tips for Summer

Summer is almost here! With the kids out of school and their schedules out of the ordinary, oral care may start to slip. Get a grip on your entire families' dental care routines and keep those smiles on track, during the summer months. Your trusted dentist in southern Missouri is here for all of your dental needs. From a routine check up to an emergency dental repair, we service all the dental needs for your entire family! Take a look at how you can help keep your family on track this summer, when it comes to oral health.

Schedule a Check Up

With a number of students out of school this summer, it's a great time to schedule your child's dental check up. This is a convenient way to knock out a visit to the dentist without having to miss any school! A dental visit should be performed at least once every six months - why not get that accomplished while the kids are free this summer? It can be helpful to schedule your dental appointment for the same time, that way you don't have to make two trips to visit us!

Think Healthy Foods

With the youngsters out of school, it can be tempting to keep junk food around for easy to eat and tasty treats. These types of foods are usually loaded with unnecessary sugars and processed foods. The added sugar can build up on your child's teeth, causing bacteria to attack the tooth. This can often lead to tooth decay. Try to substitute sugar-filled snacks for healthy fruits and vegetables!

Monitor Oral Care Routines

With later nights and routines a little different than the school year, it's important that your kids are still brushing their teeth twice each day. After playing outside all day, they may crash during the evenings - make sure they brush their teeth before heading to bed. It's also important that everyone in your family floss between their teeth once each day! This can help remove any built up bacteria and food particles that get trapped between the teeth.

Avoid Dental Emergencies

With the increase in outdoor activities, the chance of a dental injury does go up. There are some preventative methods that can be taken to help avoid such emergency. Make sure your child wears a mouth guard when playing contact sports, especially in the summer months. Another frequent dental emergency is caused by falling at the pool. Remind your little ones to follow any rules at your local pool - no running and diving in the shallow end, in particular.

You're ready to take on this summer with happy and health smiles all around! Now that you've learned some of the easy ways to keep up with the entire families' oral care routine, you can help promote health oral care. We look forward to serving your family this summer, for all of your oral care needs in southern Missouri. Our dental office offers a number of locations, making it convenient for all dental customers! Access Dental & Dentures wants to help make your families' summer a great one!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Everyday Habits That Damage Your Teeth

Do you think you take pretty good care of your teeth? You brush twice each day and floss on a daily basis... but you may still be causing damage to your pearly whites. There are a number of everyday habits that can potentially damage your tooth's enamel and your mouth as a whole. Your trusted dentist in southern Missouri has provided some of the things you should avoid! Take a look below to ensure you're taking care of your pearly whites.

Eat Foods with High Acidic Level

Especially in the summer months, there are plenty of tasty treats filled with acid. From pineapples to oranges to lemons, it's important to monitor your acidic food intake. This acid can get onto your teeth and start wearing down your enamel, the protective layer on your teeth.

Chew on Ice

If you crunch on ice in your drink, it's a habit that you should try to break right away. Consider drinking beverages with already crushed ice or no ice at all. Chewing on ice can lead to chipping in teeth or cracking a tooth, which can be very painful.

Biting Your Nails

While biting your nails is mainly though as being hindering your fingernails, it can also damage your mouth and teeth. Aside from the excess bacteria found under your fingernail (which you're putting in your mouth), the hard substance can cause damage to your pearly whites.

Nervous Chewing Habits

If you tend to chew on pens or other objects when bored or nervous, this is a great time to start breaking that bad habit. The foreign objects in your mouth can cause damage, because it is not intended to chew on. From chipping teeth to cracking sealants, there are a number of ways chewing on objects can cause damage to your mouth.

Brush Teeth Too Hard

While brushing your teeth is very important, brushing too hard can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Try to apply pressure lightly, when brushing your teeth. Pressing the bristles into your teeth and gums can damage the enamel on your teeth and cause your gums to bleed.

Use Teeth as a Tool

Opening objects with your teeth is a no-no! Teeth are intended to chew food, not open cans or bags of food, or anything else that you  may use them for. Avoid using your teeth for anything other than chewing your food, to avoid chipping or cracking a tooth!

Drink Sugary-Filled Beverages

Many Americans indulge in a can or more of soda each day. While this may be though of as a treat, it's no treat for your mouth. The added sugar combines with bacteria naturally found in your mouth, clinging to your teeth and wearing away at the enamel layer that protects your smile.

Grinding Teeth at Night

If you grind your teeth, it actually wears down the surface of your tooth. It's important to stop this habit as soon as possible to avoid further tooth damage due to the constant grinding. Mouth appliances can be worn to avoid tooth grinding against tooth.

Now that you know what habits to avoid, you can start taking better care of your teeth. It's important that you take care of your pearly whites, after all you only get one set of permanent teeth in your lifetime. If you do happen to damage a tooth, Access Dental & Dentures has a number of solutions for you. We even offer custom-fit dentures for the feel and appearance of natural teeth, should you need it. Whether you have a chipped tooth or missing teeth, the best dentist in southern MO is here for you! We look forward to helping you and your family smile with pride!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove