Friday, April 28, 2017

A Makeover For Your Smile

If you're not satisfied with your grin, it's time to make a change! Whether it is a whiter smile or a fuller smile you're after, we can help you achieve your oral care goals. Here at Access Dental and Dentures, we offer a number of services to improve the way your teeth appear. From surgery to dentures to whitening treatments, we have a TON of options for you! The best dentist is southern Missouri is here for all of your oral care needs, whether it's medical or cosmetic. To learn about the ways we can give your smile a makeover, see our services below.


To help improve the appearance of missing teeth, we offer custom fit dentures in southern Missouri. For a natural smile in which you can show pride, come in for a denture consultation today. You can smile with confidence, with your new dentures. Worried about the fit? We ensure your dentures are comfortable and can make adjustments to your set at any time, to accommodate your ever-changing mouth.


For the same aesthetic as a natural tooth, in a place where the original tooth is not worth saving, a crown may be the right solution for the appearance of your smile. A crown is essentially a cap that is fitted over an existing tooth, allowing the look, feel, and function of a normal tooth. We offer different crown materials, to find the right solution for your smile.


If a single tooth is lost, it can wreck havoc on the surrounding teeth and gums. To help eliminate this pending issue, a bridge can be a great solution. Essentially hooking a fake tooth between the structure of existing teeth, this type of dental procedure can help keep your existing teeth healthy, as well as improve the appearance of your smile.


A veneer is a dental prosthetic that is placed over an exiting tooth. Whether the tooth needs to be covered for discoloring, chipped, cracked, or misalignment reasons, this is a great solution. The size, shape, position, and color of a tooth can be altered with a veneer service. A beautiful smile can be achieved with this option to improve your smile.

Teeth Whitening

If dis-colorization makes you self-conscious about your teeth, our whitening service may be the best option for you and your smile. We create custom fit trays to house your whitening solution, to use as needed at home. Whiten in the comfort of your own home, with the professional fit of a tray. You can determine how often you what to use the whitening kit, to achieve the brightness you are after.

Are you ready to schedule your smile makeover now? From improving the shade to changing the structure, we have plenty of options to help work on the appearance of your grin. For a show-stopping smile, visit your trusted dentist in Southern Missouri! We look forward to helping you achieve your goals because we care about your smile at Access Dental & Dentures!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Thursday, April 20, 2017

How To Protect Tooth Enamel

Enamel is the hard, protective material that covers your teeth. This substance is important to keep your teeth protected from decay. If you're enamel starts to wear away, you may notice signs of sensitivity and pain, in your teeth. Your trusted dentist in southern Missouri wants to help ensure your enamel is in good shape! For some helpful tips to protect your tooth enamel, see the content below.

Chew Gum

Gum helps to stimulate saliva production which helps to wash acid and other food particles off of your teeth. If the acid stays on your tooth surface too long, it can start to wear through the enamel layer, causing damage.

Drink Moderately

Many alcoholic beverages are high in sugar and/or lead to a dry mouth. All of which can be damaging to your enamel protection. Consider drinking water along with your beverage of choice to wash away excess sugar and keep your mouth hydrated.

Time Brushing

While it's important to brush twice each day, it can damage your teeth to brush right after a meal. Try to wait at least 30 minutes after eating, to brush your teeth. The acid that is found in food can be pushed into your tooth enamel, instead of being washed away, if you brush right after a meal

Gently Brush

Brushing your teeth too hard can lead to enamel erosion. Consider buying a soft bristled tooth brush, and don't push so hard, when cleaning your teeth.

Rinse Frequently

When eating or drinking, it's important to consumer water to rinse your teeth. Food particles, acid, and sugar can build up on your tooth surface, causing damage to your enamel. Try to drink plenty of water to keep your teeth cleaned off!

Skip Soda

The sugar amount and fizz can damage your tooth's surface. Try to avoid or reduce your soda intake, in order to protect your tooth enamel from erosion.

Reduce Citrus Intake

Although citrus fruit is good for you, too much of it can actually damage your teeth. The elevated acidic level found in citrus fruits can wear down your protective enamel layer, leading to sensitive or damaged teeth.

Add Dairy

Incorporating more diary into your diet can help to build up your enamel layer. Cheese and other milk products help to strengthen bones, teeth included. If you are worried about your enamel, consider adding some extra dairy into your diet!

Visit the Dentist

Your trusted dentist can help give you solid advice about your tooth enamel. From ways to improve the protective layer to maintaining your enamel, regular dental visits can help you care for your oral health, enamel included!

Now that you know ways to protect your tooth's enamel, you are ready to start practicing these oral care habits today! If you are concerned about the condition of your tooth enamel, schedule and appointment with the best dentist in southern Missouri. We have four convenient locations, for easy access to your dental care. Contact Access Dental and Dentures at 877-DENTIST to schedule an appointment today!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Ease Child's Dental Worry

Visiting the dentist is a fear of many children, simply because they are not sure exactly what is going to happen! They may have also heard horror stories from family members, which does not help their anxiety. The best dentist in southern Missouri knows how imperative it is for your child to see a dental professional on a regular basis, and there is no reason to be scared!
If your child resists going to the dentist, Access Dental & Dentures have included a few ways to help ease that worry.

Prep Them

Don't spring a trip to the dentist on your child. It's important that they are prepared for their visit. Talk about the appointment with your child - tell them what to expect and exactly what will happen, while at the dentist. Try to avoid any scare tactics, involving the dental visit. It's best to keep the conversation uplifting and positive.

Bring a Friend

While bringing a friend to the dentist may not be realistic, you can have your child's favorite stuffed animal or toy tag along! This can help him or her get comfortable in their new setting. A comfort object, like a blanket is another great item to bring with you to the dentist.

Read Stories

Another great way to get your child ready for the dentist is to incorporate dental stories into your reading time. A book is a great tool to help show your child exactly what will go on, at the dentist office. Whether it's books about visiting the dentist or a story you make up, try to keep the conversation about the dentist a positive one!

Reward After

Before you visit, encourage your child to be brave at the dentist & then reward them for their good behavior later. This can help give them an attainable goal and be in control of their actions. While an ice cream or candy treat may not be the best option, after visiting the dentist, consider time at the park or a favorite activity as the reward for a successful visit to the dentist.

Now that you know some of these ideas to help ease your child's anxiety about visiting the dentist, you are ready to schedule his or her appointment! It's important for your kids to see a dentist at least once every six months - it's best if they are comfortable with the process! If you are looking for a dentist in southern Missouri who is good with kids, you can stop your search right here! Access Dental & Dentures prides ourselves on creating a fun and friendly atmosphere for children (and adults). We want your dental experience to be a positive one!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove

Thursday, April 6, 2017

5 Tips to Prevent Cavities

Cavities can wreck havoc on your teeth! From causing pain to decaying your pearly whites, there are a number of ways that cavities can damage your teeth. To prevent cavities, it is important to properly care for your teeth, and entire mouth. Your trusted dentist in southern Missouri is here to help give you tips to help reduce your chance of tooth decay. Provided below, by Access Dental & Dentures, are a few great ways to prevent the onset of cavities in your teeth.

1) Brush for 2 Minutes

Brushing your teeth for two minutes at a time, twice a day can help to keep your mouth clean. While brushing, plaque and built up bacteria are removed from the surface of your teeth. This bacteria reacts with the natural saliva in your mouth, and causes decay. Keeping this bacteria and plaque from building up can help keep your teeth happy and cavity-free!

2) Floss Once Each Day

While cleaning the surface of your teeth is important, cleaning BETWEEN the teeth is just as vital to your oral health. Flossing at least one time each day is advised by dental professionals. This can help to remove bacteria and plaque that can build up between the teeth surfaces. These hard to reach places are prone to decay of the tooth. Be sure to clean between your teeth every day!

3) Take Vitamins

Vitamins can help to suppliment your body for important nutrients, that may not be ingested through food. To help improve your diet and oral health, vitamins can be helpful for strong teeth. Even if you are eating the right foods every day, a vitamin can help to add beneficial nutrients into your system.

4) Drink Plenty of Water

Water can help keep your teeth rinsed off, throughout the day. When eating, drinking water can help to rid your mouth of food debris that is left behind. Water can also help to keep you hydrated, for healthy body functions.

5) Think About What You Eat

Your diet has a huge impact on your oral health. Try to avoid foods and drinks with excess sugar that causes tooth decay, when mixed with your saliva. A balanced diet can help your overall health, oral health included!

Schedule A Dental Appointment!

High on the list of ways to care for your teeth, visiting your dentist in southern Missouri is a great way to keep your teeth in check. From regulating any change in your mouth to finding a potential issue to a deep clean, going to the dentist can benefit your oral health in a number of ways! If you want to get your teeth checked out, contact Access Dental and Dentures at 877-DENTIST, to schedule an appointment today. We look forward to helping you keep your smile happy and healthy!

We want to be your dentist because your family deserves a great smile!

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Springfield Office          Rolla Office          Osage Beach Office      Mountain Grove Office
(417) 501-1048              (573) 426-5447        (573) 348-1466                       (417) 926-1160
1701 West Sunshine      416 S. Bishop Ave.  4320 Osage Beach Pkwy       921 N. Main St.
Springfield, MO 65807   Rolla, MO 65401     Osage Beach, MO. 65065       Mountain Grove